Agreed. My dually is a perfect example. It pisses me off being broken (the time, money, and loss of functionality), but I can fix it. With my Son, all I could do was pray and watch.
Hayden had a non-hereditary, genetic deformity created, fibrous dysplasia tumor, surrounding a bone cyst inside of his skull between the nasal cavity and left eye orbit. It was physically displacing his left eye outward (horizontally) in the orbit, impinging its movement, and causing monocular vision anywhere off-center. Had it been left alone, it would have deadened his left optical nerve, and he would have lost at least the vision in his left eye, if not also the eyeball itself. It was also either touching, or a micron away from his frontal lobe. Had it been allowed to continue, all off these things would have happened, and possibly worse. We caught the problem about 9 months ago, but after several MRIs and a few CTs, they wanted to wait until nearly Winter for recovery reasons.
The surgery went perfect on the 6th of December, roughly 5 hours. They peeled the top half of his face forward, and excised part of the front of his skull, including the tumor. They then harvested bone from the top of his skull, and between that, Titanium plates, and Titanium mesh, rebuilt everything and put him back together. He was in the hospital roughly 5 days, and off of pain meds in three (tough little turd). Shalie and I took turns in the hospital, and then I took some time off of work to take care of him, after getting back home.
He then came down with a sinus infection (he no longer has an upper sinus, only lower) on the 28th, and his face started swelling again very quickly. The repairs, while fusing, are still porous, and allowed some of the junk to go upward. Once it went upward, and the infection really set in, he spiked a nasty fever (104.7°+), and his skull started swelling. He ultimately spent another 5 days in the hospital fighting that, with the junk seeping out of his tear ducts and part of his mostly healed incision. His eyes swelled shut again, and it was a bit scary for a few days. Thankfully, with much prayer all around, and skilled doctors, he got past it and is back home. Shalie, He and I spent near Year's eve in the hospital, which was a first.
The irony is, he has to get healed up, in order to have another surgery, as he has another similar tumor, in his lower right jaw, and will really screw up his jaw, teeth and deplete the marrow around the spot, making the equivalent of a glass jaw. The tumors maybe affect 1 in 100K or less.