You're right. For years, people pushed college, because it was being sold as the only way to,"make it" in the world. There are careers out there, where a college degree is a must, and the jobs pay good, and there's companies hiring, but the reality is, college has become a business. They are selling a dream that isn't always realized and locks KIDS into tens of thousands of student loans, that cripple them for a good portion of their lives. The parents that pushed this, were raised by parents that lived through the depression, so they knew how tough things could be, and they didn't want their kids to go through that.
We are running into that out here. All these small towns are dying off, because parents pushed their kids to go to college and get a job somewhere else, because "there's nothing out here", and now here we are 25-30 years later and the same people are complaining because there's no one out here to fill jobs, and no kids to fill the schools.
I've told people for almost 2 decades now, you don't have to be smart to make it in this world, you just have to want to work hard.........I'm proof of that. I have got to a point in my life however, where I want to learn as much as I can about everything I can, so I'm not a dummy, per se', but I can guarantee hard work got me further than anything, along with a little bit of common sense.
Congrats on the job man! I have a buddy who's a travelling pipe welder, who's in his 20's and he makes damn good money! Welders seem to be in high demand.