How is the recoil on that, as compared to any other .30-06 you've shot? I've played with some '06's that were pussy cats and others that made the .300 Win Mag and .416 Rigby downright enjoyable...
1911's are beautiful. My EDC is a P-250 Sig in .40, with a DAO trigger though. I shoot enough double action revolver now Between my Taurus 608 and my S&W 629 that I don't mind it a bit and the trigger pull, though long, is very smooth.
I shot a .357 D.E, but it was the American made one, from when QC was poor and I wasn't impressed. I will have an original Israel made .50 soon, and it's just a big, loud, soft, push. I was giggling when I got to shoot it!! The .357 round is one of my favorites though, and I'm inclined to agree with Skeeter Skelton and Elmer Keith about that round, and the .44...
.40 Seems to be a bit mercurial, depending on the brand and loads. I love my Sig and my buddies Springfield XD and XDM in .40. The FNS and FNX aren't bad in .40 and neither is the M&P though they're both a bit flexy like a glock. The Glock (in .40) can kiss both sides of my a$$, (though the full-size .45 and 10mm are fantastic to shoot

So would I, but I always wanted a Garand and so did Dad. So, when I was still single and had money to spend on what I wanted, I bought a brand new Springfield. The design meant the same to me regardless of original or new, I wanted a shooter, and the new ones were the same price as retail used ones (aside from the CMP guns). The twing after the eighth round still makes me happy!!