Good morning!
I have Emerson home for spring break this week, and we went to Northern in Lenexa yesterday to look at toolboxes. The Primate was a big hit with the staff there, and at Maisch Small Engine (my favorite Stihl dealer), where he dutifully recited the sacred mantra, "Stihl Über Alles," much to the delight of Eric, the counter man there. Got a couple of triple lock carabiners, which I DESPISE, but are required by the government in its infinite regulatory wisdom...

The brand I got are easier to operate one-handed than the Black Diamond ones I have for rock climbing, and the price was right.
Pawn shop find: a 28v Milwaukee bandsaw kit in the case, looked nearly brand new, three bills out the door. I have more red cordless tools now than a construction company
The 4 foot box at Northern is definitely built more heavily than the ones at Tractor Supply, but they're half again the cost, and the sealing gasket doesn't look like much. Also, the weight becomes a consideration, being as they'll be situated on the front rail of the trailer. Higher tongue weight would make the truck ride more smoothly, but would make the rig harder for me to move around when hooking and unhooking. Add to that the 50 lbs of angle iron for the bracket assembly, and I'm leaning more toward the lightweight setup. TSC ones have only one lock, but there are three locking tabs that engage the box.
Maybe I should just bite down hard and get the pricey aluminum ones...
Just thinking out loud, thanks for listening.
Have a good productive day!