Well, a new dishwasher is in our immediate future. A Bosch, only seven years old, the lower spray just does not have enough force to clean. The upper seems to do better, but a load today left peanut butter in a bowl. I know it heats, I know it fills, I know neither spray arm is obstructed, I know I have always kept the microscreen clean. Piths me off that a relatively expensive machine shot craps this soon, but it doesn't seem worth it to start replacing pumps, impellers, and the like. New appliances are so poorly made, and the electronic automaticity of them is frustrating. My buddy says Whirlpool is still the one to get, but my new upright freezer has failed its control unit twice in two years, and our new washer doesn't spin fast enough to get most of the water out of the clothes.
Ah, first world problems.
Thankful this is the sort of thing taking up my time, rather than Islamists and anti-police rioters and so forth.