I'm with Hedgerow. ^^^
My Dad always told me that nobody likes a quitter.
Yeah, I know.
The problem is not the company I work for. Put it this way.
I work for company "A".
The building is owned by company "B".
The building is leased by company "C".
Company "A" is employed by company "B" to maintain the building. Company "A" is also, indirectly, employed by company "C" to maintain specialized equipment in the building that company "C" owns. Company "C" did away with smoking accommodations about a year ago. You could still smoke in your car, but no where else. The building sits on 22 acres.
A week ago, December 19th, company "C" changed their employee policy that all locations, nationwide, and world wide, that they were going to be tobacco free. You cannot have tobacco on yourself, in your car, nor on the property. You cannot walk to a public sidewalk to smoke or chew. Basically they are saying, as soon as you drive, or walk, onto leased or owned property, you cannot be in possession of tobacco. They complain about second hand smoke. SMH. About 5 years ago, an employee complained about getting sick every time they came to work. Claiming SBS, sick building syndrom, was making them ill. 1, one, I repeat, ONE person caused 40 grand worth of air quality tests to be done inside and outside the building. This DIRECTLY affected me as I am the one responsible for the HVAC in this building. As it turned out, the air quality inside the building was leaps and bounds above the standards required. We won't go into the quality of the air that this ONE person breaths everywhere else on the planet!
I'm not done *b-wording, yet. I am a firm believer in everyone has the right to make a choice. Life is nothing but choices. From the day you're born till the day you die. This country was founded on the right to be able to choose for yourself what your life will be. But now it is coming to the corporate bottom line. What's good for the company is good for you, too. So, I have decided to quit tobacco in order to keep my job.
I'll probably get hit and killed by a dump truck tomorrow morning.
Rant done, gentlemen. Carry on.