White oak and some cherry in the trailer, and white oak ash, black locust, elm, cherry in the pile. I see a decent amount of hickory just don't get it very often, it's been a couple yrs since I've cut any. I have a couple hickory on the property here, but they are under 2" and around 5", so it will be a while before I harvest them lol.
I cut up some big red oaks at my parents over 5yrs ago with a 660, I straight gassed my 346 on the smaller stuff, mixed my splitter fuel with my saw fuel
My dad joking said I thought you were gonna give me the quad(very nice Honda foreman) for all that free wood, I said there wasn't anything free about that wood!
Found some pictures of it in the archives
View attachment 211898
Right where my boys hand is pointing is where I was stuck in the picture above.
View attachment 211899