Do you not have forrests there Wilhelm? I though Croatia was similar to our mid Atlantic to northeastern climate? Why are there no trees? Just an ignorant curious American.
Not ignorant at all, smart question!
Systematic "gray area legal" deforestation in the interest of "green renewable" energy is a huge business in Croatia without the proper administration in place to ensure reforestation - and that is supported by Europe Union regulations and what is much worse by financial subventions and aids by the same.
A local to me company is cashing in on creating "renewable energy".
During the winter season they burn over 100 cubic meters (I have been told 120 to 150) of high quality firewood logs every 24 hours to create hot water and steam for heating the city.
All year round they are shredding down high quality fresh cut healthy logs and making pellets for the Western Europe market - mind You, these pellets can not be found in stores nor purchased within Croatia, they are exclusively for export and tend to go to Italy and Austria!
Decades old forests are getting clear cut within weeks/months, it will take decades/centuries for them to regrow!
In Croatia heating Your home with any kind of firewood is "normal", but it has become extremely troublesome and increasingly expensive to source firewood for the little homeowner.
I am on a wait list for a month now, I don't know if nor when I will get called to go pay for my order.
A neighbor was on the wait list since January, he got his logs this Tuesday.
I am ahead with my firewood, but it worries me how difficult it is getting to secure firewood.
Right before and during the winter season firewood is most likely better $$ than drugs in Croatia, and it is legal!
Next to no one takes care of firewood beforehand, a new car and summer vacation are more important - and I don't pity those idiots.
Croatia entering the Europe Union is killing the free Croatian way of living and life.
The civil war opened the doors wide open to corruption and thievery!
Sorry, long day!
Nearly 1AM for me.