Hi all, hope everyone had a happy father's day. Finally got those parts for the ported qv 8000. It needed:
Clutch hab, clutch spring, clutch drum, clutch drum bearing, clutch cover decal, recoil decal, chain catch, larger HDA 45 carb, impulse line, rubber carb boot and carb boot spring.
Left knee is acting up, so cant fall trees for a few days. 10 years an Army Engineer, gotta take care of those knees. Limbing and tripping over brush will have to wait, figured I'd time some cuts.
Multiple cuts, the cs 8000 was always 4 seconds faster than a muffler modded cs 620pw. Same 28" bar and exl chain, wood was a white spruce stump.
All up, fuel oil, 28" bar and chain, the cs 620pw was about 19.5 lbs. The cs 8000 was about 22 lbs. So about 2.5lbs difference.
*waiting on a walbro 86-578-1 carb jet to clear out that "go-rich" high-speed burble on the 620pw. Only 1/2 turn on high speed jet and its still rich. Don't need that goofy safety jet.