Torque value is on the left, HP on the right, on some charts the #s on left & rt are the same, on other charts the torque # is 1/2 the Hp # (4 is across from 8).
Makes it confusing.
Eric, thanks for posting that 262. Getting beat by a 60 cc saw with almost 6.5 Hp is nothing I will be ashamed of! Those things are strong.
Jeff, my M-Tronic MMWS 362 was dynoed, hopefully it will be posted.
Dan I hear what you are saying, just trying to figure out how many data points make it relative, don't want to go out of the power band. I guess base on that, my 044 is kinda an animal for a non ported saw. If I take run #116, take the 7 best data points (continuous from 7550 to 12,250) and eliminate the high # (only one in the 8s) and average the rest (they are all in the 7s) I get 7.56 Hp. On chart 115, if I take the 7 best values (includes one in the 8s and one in the 6s) and average them, I get 7.356 Hp. Not bad for a 70 cc saw that is over 22 years old and has not been ported!