So Jon and I see eye to eye on most things, except all the stuff we disagree on but he cuts a handsome figure in a red blazer and is grammatically accurate most of the time, so I was trying to think of a way to help out.
A little ways back in time a nameless saw porter and thoroughly disreputable miscreant built a few fast play saws for me. A couple of those saws made their way to other shops for de-goof-up-ization.
Little things like repairing all kinds of belt sander work, replacement of mixed junk drawer fasteners, trading out scored pistons, etc.
I am no longer on friendly terms with that builder because of his lies, theft and general demeanor.
Two reputable builders who have done work for me and who's homes i have visited and who i have broken bread with have volunteered to re-build these two saws so we can add them to this raffle.
If the builders want to speak up that is fine, but not necessary, I understand not wanting to get embroiled with the stalking dim-wit original builder.
Two separate prizes:
Honey Roasted Peanut: formerly known as Peanut - a small case 064 with new MS660 cylinder ported will have new piston of whichever type the builder repairing it selects, includes custom air filter base and v-stack.
Lipstick Betty, formerly known as Ugly Betty - a small case 064 with new MS660 ported cylinder and a meteor 288 piston, includes custom metal top cover badge and v-stack.
Both of these saws are fast runners and were built as short bar GTG saws, originally Betty was faster but the builders can do whatever they want to them.
Lets see some rafflization!!