High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

Chainsaws and Lifelong Friendships Raffle Draw Date June 24th 8PM EDT.


Chainsaw Enthusiast
Local time
5:21 PM
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Jan 30, 2016
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East Dakota
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You fellas are making it awfully tough for me to maintain a modicum of composure. I could be effusive to the nth degree, and it still wouldn't reach the proximity for the amount of gratitude, and indebtedness I feel in my heart, for all that is happening here.
Aw sh*t; he's been reading those verbose, loquacious, garrulous, George Will columns again . . .
(HINT: keep it under 4 letters for most guys on this forum).



Saw R skeery
Local time
5:21 PM
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Oct 21, 2016
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It will be a saw on this table...
View attachment 119397

Holy sheet!

You fellas are making it awfully tough for me to maintain a modicum of composure. I could be effusive to the nth degree, and it still wouldn't reach the proximity for the amount of gratitude, and indebtedness I feel in my heart, for all that is happening here.

There're a lot big words in there that I don't understand but I get it. ;)
Last edited:


Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
5:21 PM
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Jan 20, 2016
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Central IL
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Aw sh*t; he's been reading those verbose, loquacious, garrulous, George Will columns again . . .
(HINT: keep it under 4 letters for most guys on this forum).

HAHAHA...I was gonna get him if you didn't. Lol!
@Jon1212 is the saw forum wordsmith. I enjoy the posts he crafts even if I don't understand all the words. Next thing you know he is going to correctly use a semicolon in a post.

Sent from my SM-J327V using Tapatalk


Birch! Please.....
Local time
4:21 PM
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Dec 29, 2015
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Utah, unfortunately.....
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@Jon1212 is the saw forum wordsmith. I enjoy the posts he crafts even if I don't understand all the words. Next thing you know he is going to correctly use a semicolon in a post.

Sent from my SM-J327V using Tapatalk

My dinner last night; barbecued chicken, baby potatoes, and salad.


"Special Buns"
Local time
5:21 PM
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Dec 31, 2015
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Winnipeg, MB
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Putting this list together is gonna be a chore. I'll keep the other thread updated so Gary can take care of this one.

Thanks boss. I will get back to this one later today. Hopefully some more details will get posted and I can do one big update.

Right now trying to update pricing on approx 70 different floor plans for my largest customer and so far my assistant has made errors on about 40%.

Definitive Dave

Piss Rev Mafia Member
Local time
6:21 PM
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Dec 28, 2015
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Central Ohio
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So Jon and I see eye to eye on most things, except all the stuff we disagree on but he cuts a handsome figure in a red blazer and is grammatically accurate most of the time, so I was trying to think of a way to help out.
A little ways back in time a nameless saw porter and thoroughly disreputable miscreant built a few fast play saws for me. A couple of those saws made their way to other shops for de-goof-up-ization.
Little things like repairing all kinds of belt sander work, replacement of mixed junk drawer fasteners, trading out scored pistons, etc.
I am no longer on friendly terms with that builder because of his lies, theft and general demeanor.
Two reputable builders who have done work for me and who's homes i have visited and who i have broken bread with have volunteered to re-build these two saws so we can add them to this raffle.
If the builders want to speak up that is fine, but not necessary, I understand not wanting to get embroiled with the stalking dim-wit original builder.
Two separate prizes:
Honey Roasted Peanut: formerly known as Peanut - a small case 064 with new MS660 cylinder ported will have new piston of whichever type the builder repairing it selects, includes custom air filter base and v-stack.
Lipstick Betty, formerly known as Ugly Betty - a small case 064 with new MS660 ported cylinder and a meteor 288 piston, includes custom metal top cover badge and v-stack.
Both of these saws are fast runners and were built as short bar GTG saws, originally Betty was faster but the builders can do whatever they want to them.
Lets see some rafflization!!


Muh fingers look really big
Local time
6:21 PM
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Dec 31, 2015
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East Jordan, MI
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So Jon and I see eye to eye on most things, except all the stuff we disagree on but he cuts a handsome figure in a red blazer and is grammatically accurate most of the time, so I was trying to think of a way to help out.
A little ways back in time a nameless saw porter and thoroughly disreputable miscreant built a few fast play saws for me. A couple of those saws made their way to other shops for de-goof-up-ization.
Little things like repairing all kinds of belt sander work, replacement of mixed junk drawer fasteners, trading out scored pistons, etc.
I am no longer on friendly terms with that builder because of his lies, theft and general demeanor.
Two reputable builders who have done work for me and who's homes i have visited and who i have broken bread with have volunteered to re-build these two saws so we can add them to this raffle.
If the builders want to speak up that is fine, but not necessary, I understand not wanting to get embroiled with the stalking dim-wit original builder.
Two separate prizes:
Honey Roasted Peanut: formerly known as Peanut - a small case 064 with new MS660 cylinder ported will have new piston of whichever type the builder repairing it selects, includes custom air filter base and v-stack.
Lipstick Betty, formerly known as Ugly Betty - a small case 064 with new MS660 ported cylinder and a meteor 288 piston, includes custom metal top cover badge and v-stack.
Both of these saws are fast runners and were built as short bar GTG saws, originally Betty was faster but the builders can do whatever they want to them.
Lets see some rafflization!!
Betty will probably still be faster LOL


Chief Cat Herder
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Yearly GoldMember
Local time
5:21 PM
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Dec 3, 2015
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Banner Springs Tennessee
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How about we rent out Randy?

I'm game. I can be bought, rented, whatever.......but be warned. I'm not cheap.

So Jon and I see eye to eye on most things, except all the stuff we disagree on but he cuts a handsome figure in a red blazer and is grammatically accurate most of the time, so I was trying to think of a way to help out.
A little ways back in time a nameless saw porter and thoroughly disreputable miscreant built a few fast play saws for me. A couple of those saws made their way to other shops for de-goof-up-ization.
Little things like repairing all kinds of belt sander work, replacement of mixed junk drawer fasteners, trading out scored pistons, etc.
I am no longer on friendly terms with that builder because of his lies, theft and general demeanor.
Two reputable builders who have done work for me and who's homes i have visited and who i have broken bread with have volunteered to re-build these two saws so we can add them to this raffle.
If the builders want to speak up that is fine, but not necessary, I understand not wanting to get embroiled with the stalking dim-wit original builder.
Two separate prizes:
Honey Roasted Peanut: formerly known as Peanut - a small case 064 with new MS660 cylinder ported will have new piston of whichever type the builder repairing it selects, includes custom air filter base and v-stack.
Lipstick Betty, formerly known as Ugly Betty - a small case 064 with new MS660 ported cylinder and a meteor 288 piston, includes custom metal top cover badge and v-stack.
Both of these saws are fast runners and were built as short bar GTG saws, originally Betty was faster but the builders can do whatever they want to them.
Lets see some rafflization!!

I've got Ugly Betty sitting on my bench right now. The base was out pretty bad, the squish was out even more. The intake port was chewing up the piston.......but I've got all that fixed. Also installed 6mm Heli-Coils in all the jug bolt holes. Should be a great runner, and a fine GTG type cant saw. The cage on the big end of the rod is a little shiny.....but should be fine for a play saw for a good long while.

You lookin to starve to death?

I'm keepin an eye on you Jocko. Nobody said nothing about eating me. Well.....at least not till you came along.



Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
5:21 PM
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Aug 2, 2017
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Chicagoland, Illinois
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I'm game. I can be bought, rented, whatever.......but be warned. I'm not cheap.
I was going to bid 2 bits for a day but seeing the wife and I plan to visit this Oct for the GTG, I think I will retract that and be the "Nice Guy"....
