Im always curious to know how u decide what way to go when u run a stock saw , for example this saw needs more intake or higher transfers ? Is it traits that u pick up on from running lots of saws and studying them and a lot of trial and error ... Lower exhaust makes sense to me , longer stroke build more compression ect
I'd say its about 40% traits from running lots of saws after the 60% of trial and errors
The best way to answer most porting questions is to be saw specific, as what works with one saw does not necessarily work with another saw.
Yes, some theories do apply to all saws, but the best way to see what works is to change one thing, then run the saw.
If you gain, make a note and keep going ........... if you lose, chalk it up, make a note, and dont go further in that one area
Just because Homer Simpson hogs out his lower transferrs does not mean that everyone should do the same thing. Homer might be doing other things to the motor that allow the lowers to respond better to being hogged out
Here is where the rubber meets the road .................the more you know about 2 strokes, the more you realize that you dont know squat about them.
Just when you begin to understand what youre doing, someone will come along and throw an idea at you, which makes you think that what you were origionally thinking about shouldnt or wont work.