Gotta be careful on alibaba fellas and read the fine print. If you type in 372 chainsaw, you will get a comical amount of saws in different colors with creative brand names. Found one in a more vibrant green that was very close to the 1970 Plymouth Sub-Lime on an old roadrunner I once had. Figured I'd order one. It wasn't until after I hit "place order" that I noticed they had a 300 piece minimum!
This is really all Dave's fault for starting all this crap. Worse part is that just this past week, we sold our old fork truck from the store. I can't unload 300 freaking saws by hand! I'll hang on to a couple, but what am I gonna do with 300 of these things? Tough to explain something like this. "What do you mean? Aw come on, it's not really all that many. Besides it was a deal I couldn't pass up."
Only thing I can think of is to throw a party and share them with all you guys. You can take as many as you can carry. Just don't anybody post any more effing links, OK?