High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

Any Chinese chainsaw and chinese parts discussion


Pinnacle OPE Member
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You say they read this thread
Then farmertec why in the hell would you put a
10" pull rope on a damn 87cc saw
You *a-holes.
You need to offer performance cylinders for all your saws
Especially the 372s
And I'm sure all the stihl clones
Like the cross performance mmws 660 cylinder kits.
Better squish and timing numbers.
Also performance mufflers whether it be a larger 3/4 or so single port or dual port for the Husqvarnas
Stihls i don't care about.
Full wrap handlebars for the g288s
A Complete or parts 262xp saw
Especially the damn intake blocks.
Put the correct top cover on the g272
And air intake setup
Instead of a 61 top cover.
346 would be alright i guess
I never liked the baby saws
If it's not a d009 mount i don't want it.
Heated handles while we're dreaming

Maintenance Chief

Disrupting the peace with an old chainsaw
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I think a 2100 would do better than most othe models mentioned.
Lets face it , smaller saws abound on shelves everywhere because thats what alot of guys ran.


Super OPE Member
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So I was able to bend the metal brake lever part back into shape and reuse it. Currently waiting on a new brake flag and that plastic brake parts cover. Saw fired up first pull after sitting for a couple days now. I greased the clutch bearing as well. Only complaint I have is that the fuel cap leaks. I ordered a couple more of those too.
Take the rubber seal off the fuel cap and clean things up. Wrap the groove in the cap with 3M Automotive 06404 Scotch Plastic Tape 471 Blue 1/8" x 36 yds. It’s blue. 5 wraps. Put the seal back on. It also helps seal life if you deburr the fuel hole. I do this to every husky clone through the shop and it works great. You can do it on the oil cap too but those are a much better fit in the machined aluminum so fewer wraps. I’ve had a few saws come in with the fuel seal caught and pulled clear out of the groove in spots. Why the worker just twists the cap on down with the seal bulging out is beyond me but at least they do go back to shape.


462’s 4-LIFE
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Take the rubber seal off the fuel cap and clean things up. Wrap the groove in the cap with 3M Automotive 06404 Scotch Plastic Tape 471 Blue 1/8" x 36 yds. It’s blue. 5 wraps. Put the seal back on. It also helps seal life if you deburr the fuel hole. I do this to every husky clone through the shop and it works great. You can do it on the oil cap too but those are a much better fit in the machined aluminum so fewer wraps. I’ve had a few saws come in with the fuel seal caught and pulled clear out of the groove in spots. Why the worker just twists the cap on down with the seal bulging out is beyond me but at least they do go back to shape.
Thanks. This one leaks from the first time I filled it up, so no wood chips or dirt. I’ll try the tape trick.


DIY addict
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Well, it is kind of weird that 346-353 has not been copied. There was 346xpg looking dirty and worn out for sale here, only 450€. And I did let 353XPG for 290€ go, It is just impossible to sell your kidney so fast 🤣 and freezing is not an option. It won't work.

Maintenance Chief

Disrupting the peace with an old chainsaw
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How are these 288’s holding up? I need a 288 rear handle and top cover and some other parts so I was thinking on just picking one of these up run it until it pukes and take the parts
Ive dropped a couple dozen trees with mine, it oils cuts and does pretty good.
The rear handle is definitely not as smooth as oem though ,but a little buffing would fix that up.

Maintenance Chief

Disrupting the peace with an old chainsaw
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That’s about all I want out of it. New oem 288 is $1700 cad these are $400. My expectations are priced accordingly.
I do have to say that besides being tuned fat out of the box it ran very well.
My temptation to modify it was too great and after a while I installed an 066 stihl piston in it .
For sub 200.00$ I really like the ability to mess around with this platform.


Aluminium Member
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I did end up getting a blue 372 to match my blu88 and truck. (Police recovered it Dave!) You were right about the lightweight bar giving it a whole new feel. Sugi 24. I get a kick out of all the color combos they are coming up with. I see FT now has a gray case 372 like the Neotec. Kind of fits with the current Husky colors of silver or dark gray crankcases anyway.p

I can only spell retirement with a small r, as in addition to saws, I've helped out a couple neighbors with their snowblowers. Had success with a couple am carbs for those also. Tecumseh has been gone since about 2008, and the am ones can still be had in the old style with the adjustable hi speed jet on the bottom. Way better than the fixed jet stiff we got saddled with the last few years from Tecumseh. The one carb showed up in the mailbox the Friday before the foot of snow we got on that Sunday!

What's the 4 saw shipping deal that you guys have mentioned? Or is it just better to go with the flash sales? Based on Walt's experience with his 395, I may just give one to someone I know for a real test. If it can endure a life with Billy, it'll survive with anyone.
This freebie 257 my neighbor threw away
i put a 30.00 amazon 262 cylinder kit on and somebody on here sent me a 262 intake block for
Is a very strong runner
I ran it buried in hardwood breaking it in
Chinese bar/chain,caps,carb kit, cylinder kit
And the 262xp is the perfect firewood saw for me
Fully loaded It's quite a bit lighter than my 70cc saws
I think they'd sell good if farmertec cloned them
That size and weight is in line with the
Sluggish and underpowered Husqvarna 455/460 or stihl 290/310/390 or 291 or whatever they have now
And they ask 500.00+ for that crap
I work on tons of those series of saws for locals.


Aluminium Member
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346 would be a hit. I know they follow this thread so after 30 years in the business here's a few thoughts on the subject. This could get long. Lol

Considering how many parts they have for the 346 chassis, they're more than halfway there. But they need to accurately do the 44.3mm 346NE top end. Same with the 46mm top end for the 357. Both of those are quad port cylinders similar to the 372. The 353 and 359 top ends don't perform as well and will not get anyone excited. The 357 was always a bit underrated, and was closer to the 262 than most people give it credit for. But since the folks at farmertec are going back into the 200 series Huskys, the biggest surefire hit, in addition to the 346, would be to do the 262xp. It would easily sell well enough, that they'd be offering it in all of their color schemes. I've already got 4 of them, but I'd need a blue one to match my truck, right?

I understand the business case for the larger saws. In addition to being popular, the price advantage FT can offer over the big CC saws is always greater than on the smaller saws. But serious saw users don't just run the larger saws. There is a market for high performance pro saws in the 50 and 60 CC sizes as we are discussing. I see there is a Holtzforma version of the Husky 450. Not to sure how well that will go over. But I don't think they should have bothered with that model. Supporting that chassis with parts makes sense, as it does with the 51 and 55 models. But it's harder to make the case for selling complete saws in that segment.

I see that Neotec is doing a version of the Husky 543xp. It's a decent saw design, but never came close to capturing the excitement of the 15,500 rpm 242xp. That model was legendary with arborists in its day. You have to run one to get it. Even the milder 246 will eat up a 543. But I still think a faithfully done 346 would be the better small saw success for Farmertec. And they should really consider the 262xp!

242 and 357 would be the next options.

Much of this assumes they want to continue to expand their model offerings. I don't expect that they will be able to do this with the newer autotune and mtronic saws.

Sorry if I tend to get long winded with these posts.
Have you or anyone seen lowtop 394
Aftermarket topcovers?
I'd like to change this hightop 395 out
I always liked the 394 better.
One they can't clone well is stop switches
I bought 6 Husqvarna momentary stop switches for the clones.
And i bought 10 more hyway 372 style starter handles from hl supply.
I've bought dozens of them over the year's
I replace all those t square husky handles and those stupid stihl and echo dogleg bastard's
I absolutely hate that style of handle.

Maintenance Chief

Disrupting the peace with an old chainsaw
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Have you or anyone seen lowtop 394
Aftermarket topcovers?
I'd like to change this hightop 395 out
I always liked the 394 better.
One they can't clone well is stop switches
I bought 6 Husqvarna momentary stop switches for the clones.
And i bought 10 more hyway 372 style starter handles from hl supply.
I've bought dozens of them over the year's
I replace all those t square husky handles and those stupid stihl and echo dogleg bastard's
I absolutely hate that style of handle.
I've never seen a 394 low top cover, maybe The Duke @Duke Thieroff will produce one?
I'd like to see a 262 also.

Gary Courtney

Pinnacle OPE Member
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How are these 288’s holding up? I need a 288 rear handle and top cover and some other parts so I was thinking on just picking one of these up run it until it pukes and take the parts
I have cut about 8 cords with mine. Had to put an oem oiler on. Tuned to 12.5k runs very well.


Aluminium Member
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I do have to say that besides being tuned fat out of the box it ran very well.
My temptation to modify it was too great and after a while I installed an 066 stihl piston in it .
For sub 200.00$ I really like the ability to mess around with this platform.
What does it take to run the 066 piston?
I did a 288 lite in 2006 or so with a 066 piston and cannot remember what i did
Saw is still running though.


Aluminium Member
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Your low top for the 288 series is very high quality! I was impressed.
I doubt there's much call for a 394 lowtop
Young guy's seem to like hightops for some reason.
I'm making a 288 lite clone with one of those topcovers
It fits perfectly.
Last edited:


Pinnacle OPE Member
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I ordered mine on Sunday and it came in today to my surprise.
Fuel line is rock hard, gas cap leaked so I replaced with a hyway and that solved the problem. Started up and took a tune nice after I realized I pulled the fuel line off the carb changing the filter.
Top cover fits like crap, count me out on the young guys who like high tops. I left it away from my other saws so it wouldn’t spread communist ideology


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Maintenance Chief

Disrupting the peace with an old chainsaw
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Jan 4, 2020
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I had no idea the 394 lowtops were so scarce i had a few but sold them over the year's
This guy is like the "Single White Female" version of BBR! I wonder if buckin' wakes up at night in a cold sweat dreaming of waking up beside him?! Lol