Well I cut the base today and ended up removing approximately .040" - I say approximately because the base wasn't flat or true to the cylinder bore. It actually had .008" run-out, and none of the flanges were perfectly flat. This kind of threw me off for a while as I kept rechecking my setup to ensure everything was running true. It may have been okay to bolt on with a base gasket, I don't know.
Anyway, it took me a long time to get my mandrel to run true. I would get it set up to zero run-out, but as soon as I put pressure on top of the cylinder I would lose zero. After many attempts I finally settled for .0015" run-out. Since this was my first ever attempt, I cut in .005" steps until I had removed .040". After every cut, I put the indicater back on the mandrel to ensure nothing had shifted. Luckily it held and didn't move.
So I made 8 cuts and was happy with the final result, and figured I would cut the cylinder extention while it was on the mandrel. BIG MISTAKE. I practically welded the cylinder to the mandrel because the nicasil is so hard it doesn't cut easily and the cutter actually pushed it slightly into the mandrel as it cut. It took a lot of heat, wd40, and a big wrench to get the cylinder loose from the mandrel - no fun. I did get the cylinder off eventually and it doesn't seem any worse for wear. My mandrel has some pretty good scratches in it though.
So a lesson learned and experience gained. I see what Mike meant when he said nikasil is hard to cut - I'm thinking a HSS cutter wouldn't even put a mark in it. It was like trying to cut through a thin layer of granite.
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