Most of the broken ms440 saws i have picked up to rebuild lose the flywheel side bearing for some reason ,the only 066-660 saws i had never failed there though .Flywheel side is completely different.
Takes a bigger bearing and seal.
The pto side is the same on a 064 066 660
I could name 20 different loggers around my area that production fall that run 066 660 661 and not a one run .404. .404 just isn't built for a saw chassis that size. Everyone runs 3/8 50 gauge.Most people don't have a 64/66 with 10 hp and run 404 and use it for production
I'm liking the 96 !!!!Got this fella fixed and ready for some stock base line cuts this morning.
Gonna try to get it ported today.
I got a cylinder here that somebody stuck a screwdriver in the exhaust port for a piston stop,gonna raise till it's cleaned up and see how it runs. Might be 96 or higher. The I'll port the cylinder on the saw another way
Flywheel side is completely different.
Takes a bigger bearing and seal.
The pto side is the same on a 064 066 660
The od is the same but the id is bigger on a 660.I thought the bearing was the same... I built an 064 with AM 660 bearings. The seal surface was definitely different, though.
I'm having wood trouble