the kits are packaged wrong. they include the 562 outer spike instead of the 2260. we were building the kits out of the west coast kit and swapping out the 562 spike for the correct spike but the last batch of outer 2260 spikes are made wrong and the points dont line up so i quit selling them. i have several of the correct part number outer spikes here that are made wrong along with 7 or 8 west coast kits that are packaged wrong along with 5-6 562 outer spikes i have removed from the kits. cant return them, not sure if i am going to get the correct spikes when i order more so i jsut quit offering them until husky gets them figured out/reimburses me for all the wrong ones. works out better for me anyway...i lost money on every set i sold because of having to swap out parts to make a full kit and being stuck with useless 562 spikes