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261 362 462 661 mtronic info

RI Chevy

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Have had some questions about 261 mtronic solenoid, pickup body, and coil/control module. So I did some research...

- 261 362 coil/cm - from what I can tell there hasn't been any serious issues with the coil/Control module. So unlike the 661 the mtronic kit which includes a new control module, white solenoid and orange pickup body. The 261 and 362 mtronic kits (1140 007 1802) only include a white solenoid and orange pickup body.

- 241 - was discontinued before white solenoid orange pick up body upgrade. 241 schematics show new orange pickup body as standard. But do not show new white solenoid as the current solenoid. I don't see why the new white solenoid wouldn't work but best to call stihlUSA to make sure. ie. if you were having issues and bought a mtronic kit...which no mtronic kit is listed for 241.

- 1140 007 1802 mtronic kit for 261 & 362 (pick up body and white solenoid) = shows $51 dealer and $51 retail. Good luck getting it for $51. Don't know why they list it like that.

- old black solenoid (delicate and full of issues) - pn 0000 120 5110
- new white solenoid (across the board fix for all mtronic models) pn 0000 120 5104 - retails 88.75 dlr ~60ish

- new orange pickup body/fuel filter is lower micron rating pn 0000 350 3518 - $3.50 I checked 026 241 261 036 362 044 440 441 461 462 064 660 661 880 ..so it seems to be the across the board new fuel filter for most models.

- Reset OR Calibration is determined by the coil/cm NOT the solenoid. Maybe someone could chime in with, which coils on 241 261 362 441 are ver1 ver2 mtronic (reset) and which are ver3 mtronic (calibration). See below for reset procedure and calibration procedure.

- 661 - take rewind cover off, if on the coil = 4700c, 4700d, 4700e, 4701A coil/CM = reset (warm saw, then 90 sec choke, shut off, 5 test cuts). "reset" resets the carb to settings at the factory. Tunes itself in 5 cuts. If on coil it says 4702A = version 3 = calibration (warm saw up, choke for 30-60 sec, pull & hold throttle WOT, runs approx 10k rpm for approx 15-20 sec, then on it's own bumps up to max rpm ~13kish for 5-10 sec, then on it's own backs down to ~10krpm, at which point you finally let go of trigger)

- 661 mtronic kit (orange pickup body, white solenoid, ver3 4702 coil/cm) = 1144 007 1801 = shows $51 dealer and $51 retail. Good luck getting it for $51.

- 661 coil to solenoid compatibility - Stihl USA tells me you can only use 4702A coil/CM with white solenoid. And just buy the kit. Before the kit came out and before there was a ver3 coil/cm. The white solenoid was available and I did for a short time run the 4701A coil with a white solenoid. So fwiw I am not sure that is entirely true. But may just be easier to get the kit and be done with it.

- 462 - comes with white solenoid, orange pick up body and ver 3 mtronic coil/CM. So calibration only. No kits.

RI Chevy

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What Solenoid can I run in a 261cm V1? Was the black solenoid the original? And the white the newer improved solenoid?
I did read the 1st post, just looking for further clarification/confirmation.


Here For The Long Haul!
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What Solenoid can I run in a 261cm V1? Was the black solenoid the original? And the white the newer improved solenoid?
I did read the 1st post, just looking for further clarification/confirmation.

White solenoid is a universal upgrade. Just do a reset/recalibration witch ever is applicable after install. Can’t go backwards tho . If a saw was shipped from the factory with a white solenoid you can not use a black one to replace it as it has been explained to me.


Mastermind Approved!
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White solenoid is a universal upgrade. Just do a reset/recalibration witch ever is applicable after install. Can’t go backwards tho . If a saw was shipped from the factory with a white solenoid you can not use a black one to replace it as it has been explained to me.

You can use it. They just aren't as durable/reliable as the white.

I've had these white solenoids in every m-tron saw stihl has made. They work.

RI Chevy

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OK. Thank you Ryan.


Sorta a husqvarna guy...
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May 30, 2016
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I definitely recommend to someone with a stihl chainsaw is to install the new and improved orange fuel filter regardless of what solenoid is on it. It’s easy and cheap insurance. The new filter has a finer micron rating as mentioned already. The old black filters let more shít past which is what eventually wipes out the solenoids or clogs carb screens/passages. It’s a good practice to replace the filter every so often anyway on any saw mtronic or not. 0057DF48-892E-4E56-B2AE-3F444696668C.jpeg

DND 9000

Pinnacle OPE Member
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That has nothing to do with m-tronic. This was the information for the update kit for the MS 201, 201T (better acceleration and max speed), before the version with m-tronic was released.


Well-Known OPE Member
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That has nothing to do with m-tronic. This was the information for the update kit for the MS 201, 201T (better acceleration and max speed), before the version with m-tronic was released.

Deleted the post, as incorrect. Didn’t read all the pages, and thought it was M-Tronic related as I’d asked about M-Tronic.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Mastermind Approved!
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Jan 20, 2016
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Have had some questions about 261 mtronic solenoid, pickup body, and coil/control module. So I did some research...

- 261 362 coil/cm - from what I can tell there hasn't been any serious issues with the coil/Control module. So unlike the 661 the mtronic kit which includes a new control module, white solenoid and orange pickup body. The 261 and 362 mtronic kits (1140 007 1802) only include a white solenoid and orange pickup body.

- 241 - was discontinued before white solenoid orange pick up body upgrade. 241 schematics show new orange pickup body as standard. But do not show new white solenoid as the current solenoid. I don't see why the new white solenoid wouldn't work but best to call stihlUSA to make sure. ie. if you were having issues and bought a mtronic kit...which no mtronic kit is listed for 241.

- 1140 007 1802 mtronic kit for 261 & 362 (pick up body and white solenoid) = shows $51 dealer and $51 retail. Good luck getting it for $51. Don't know why they list it like that.

- old black solenoid (delicate and full of issues) - pn 0000 120 5110
- new white solenoid (across the board fix for all mtronic models) pn 0000 120 5104 - retails 88.75 dlr ~60ish

- new orange pickup body/fuel filter is lower micron rating pn 0000 350 3518 - $3.50 I checked 026 241 261 036 362 044 440 441 461 462 064 660 661 880 ..so it seems to be the across the board new fuel filter for most models.

- Reset OR Calibration is determined by the coil/cm NOT the solenoid. Maybe someone could chime in with, which coils on 241 261 362 441 are ver1 ver2 mtronic (reset) and which are ver3 mtronic (calibration). See below for reset procedure and calibration procedure.

- 661 - take rewind cover off, if on the coil = 4700c, 4700d, 4700e, 4701A coil/CM = reset (warm saw, then 90 sec choke, shut off, 5 test cuts). "reset" resets the carb to settings at the factory. Tunes itself in 5 cuts. If on coil it says 4702A = version 3 = calibration (warm saw up, choke for 30-60 sec, pull & hold throttle WOT, runs approx 10k rpm for approx 15-20 sec, then on it's own bumps up to max rpm ~13kish for 5-10 sec, then on it's own backs down to ~10krpm, at which point you finally let go of trigger)

- 661 mtronic kit (orange pickup body, white solenoid, ver3 4702 coil/cm) = 1144 007 1801 = shows $51 dealer and $51 retail. Good luck getting it for $51.

- 661 coil to solenoid compatibility - Stihl USA tells me you can only use 4702A coil/CM with white solenoid. And just buy the kit. Before the kit came out and before there was a ver3 coil/cm. The white solenoid was available and I did for a short time run the 4701A coil with a white solenoid. So fwiw I am not sure that is entirely true. But may just be easier to get the kit and be done with it.

- 462 - comes with white solenoid, orange pick up body and ver 3 mtronic coil/CM. So calibration only. No kits.



Pinnacle OPE Member
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Jul 20, 2016
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I definitely recommend to someone with a stihl chainsaw is to install the new and improved orange fuel filter regardless of what solenoid is on it. It’s easy and cheap insurance. The new filter has a finer micron rating as mentioned already. The old black filters let more shít past which is what eventually wipes out the solenoids or clogs carb screens/passages. It’s a good practice to replace the filter every so often anyway on any saw mtronic or not. View attachment 222748
I think 0000 350 3518 is the correct p/n.


Active OPE Member
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Jan 5, 2021
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Melbourne, Ontario Canada
Hi Guys,

I'm new to the site. My research on a problem I'm having with a used MS362c that I bought has lead me here. I think it's a V2. It has the newer style side cover but the V3 calibration reset doesn't seem to work on it. I find the saw lacking in power. It starts and runs fine but doesn't seem to rev up as quickly as I feel is should and it bogs when I dog it into wood when bucking hardwood. I also have a 462c, a 261c and previously owned a 361 and 341 so I have an idea of how I thought this saw should perform and it's not doing it. It cuts okay once it gets up to full rpms if you cut with the tip or middle of the blade without putting any pressure on it but if you make it work it bogs easily.

I don't know if it has the black or white solenoid in it. I'm guessing black. My question is if it is the black solenoid and I put a white one in will this fix the problem? Is this something best left for a shop to do or can I do it myself?



lehman live edge slab

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No if it’s running ok I’d lean more towards looking at the exhaust screen for plugging and maybe check compression/ pull muffler to look for scores. Saw can still run if slightly scored just lack of power. The 362 stock isn’t a monster by any means, first thing I do is open the exhaust up and advance the timing a little to wake them up. If you want real good cutter it needs a port job by someone but overall after the muffler and timing is done they make a real reliable wood cutter imho.


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Melbourne, Ontario Canada
The spark screen is clear. I've opened up with exhaust with a 3/8" drill bit. I looked at the piston but not really closely. It looked okay but I'll have to have a closer look. I'm not familiar with how to advance the timing and I haven't checked the compression.

Something I forgot to mention is the previous owner said the saw was about 4 years old and it had been sitting for at least a year. Because of that I put in a new fuel filter (orange one) and I've been running 91 octane and some seafoam through it.

I tried to do the 30/30 calibration but it didn't work so I'm guessing it needs the 90 second run and then 5 cuts method. I haven't tried that yet. They say not to touch the throttle after the 90 seconds and just shut the saw off but how to you unlock the lever without touching the throttle?


Pinnacle OPE Member
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If it sat i would say solenoid and carb kit if that doesn’t fix it.


Active OPE Member
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Melbourne, Ontario Canada
Okay. I'll look into replacing the solenoid.

The funny/sad thing is I took the saw to a local shop that I have never dealt with before. I told him about the issues. He basically said if it starts and runs there is nothing wrong with it even if it's been sitting. He did take it and said he put it on the computer and that it's running perfectly and I was just expecting too much from a 59cc saw. I got the impression he just didn't want to work on it.