Before the saw grenaded I told Edwad to send it to me because something was wrong,he didn't
He sent it to Brad and when Brad got it
It was 170lb of compression with 040 from the chamber and that's not possible unless it is hurt. It was almost 200lb when it left me.
When Brad got it it was tuned to 15k and no 4stroke period.
Instead of asking me what compression was or anything he just ran it and it broke at 14.3k piss revving.
I've talked to Brad and he said nothing to do with porting caused it. It was over speed that cracked the piston and he finished it off.
Does a 066 turning 15k sound like a work saw?
The fact it was tuned past 4 stroke is enough to end warranty but I still said to Edwad,send me the saw and I'll fix it free of charge but he won't so what else can I do?
He needs to send me the saw or shut up and quit crying.
Lightening the piston certainly weakens it
And I don't use them in a work saw but I was told to make it as fast as possible.
There's 50 or more saws I've built with the same piston and I've never had one fail nut nobody else will tune one that fast.
I tried once to run my saw at 15k
Exploded the piston and I tried once more
Here's the stock oem piston from it after less than a tank. I got lucky and seen it
It was about to explode also.