Coop The Cutter
Super OPE Member
- Local time
- 10:15 AM
- User ID
- 11219
- Joined
- Dec 16, 2019
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- 146
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- Baltimore MD

I've noticed all the big chainsaw channels on YouTube are run by guys who don't seem to have a very good reputation in this community. My question is, are there any legit chainsaw builders who post detailed videos on YouTube or other social media?? And if not, why not? Some of you guys post cookie cutting vids, Scott Kunz has some stuff on his channel, but there really aren't any legitimate builders with a YouTube following. Hotsaws101 does post a lot of videos and does seem to be a pretty knowledgeable guy, but he charges exorbitant fees for his work and his whole 3 stage porting deal seems kinda off to me compared to what everbody else does. Obviously you guys are all very busy so that may be the main reason, you also don't need more customers so there's no motivation from the advertising aspect. And y'all are boomers for the most part so ya don't care none about us daggone millennials on them thar social meteors. But to me it's disappointing to see these "BuILdeRzzz" on YouTube who really aren't putting out a good product misleading the masses and getting respect they don't deserve. I know multiple loggers who I've met who think Ripsaws or Monstersaws are legit builders, until they run one of my Huskihl saws and see what a true ported saw runs like AND what it should actually cost. There's lots of guys out there building good saws and I'd like to see them getting the credit they deserve instead of IronHorse or JCS or whoever else is out there pushing their junk, sincerely
Triggered Millennial
Triggered Millennial