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Why does stihl cost more than husqvarna

Terry Hennessy

Well-Known OPE Member
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1:40 AM
User ID
Dec 24, 2015
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Memphis, TN
I have only owned husky and a couple jonsereds. I currently run 242 262 and 385. All ported except the 242. They all have great power and the 385 is a wild ride. I have always wanted to try stihl 460/461 and 660 but the price has always stopped me from buying. A ported 385 or ported 372 is said to outcut its stihl counterpart for less money. Why are stihl chainsaws more pricey? Are they that much better built, longer life expectancy, or what. I know there are die hard fans of both and i think both are great saws, just want to know why they cost more. Hoping for a great answer to persuade me to buy one.
WHY $$: Stihl has kept themselves OUT of the Big Box stores to protect it dealers and parts distribution. That keeps the customers going back to the dealers for (Genuine) new, parts and repairs, for the most part. If that works and keeps them and their dealer network in a profitable business, MORE power to them. There is a (DAILY) balancing act for these companies to survive, as we have seen with so many others that are gone (Tecumseh/ Lauson) or struggling/ back burner (McCullouch). Some argue that the BB Husky is not the same as the dealer saw; (IMHO) it is (more) just that the PRO series saws are "Dealer Only" and the "Homeowner" line is the limit at the BB stores. BUT the dealer ALSO sells the Homeowner grade, often competitively, and they appreciate your support.


They’re Just Saws
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2:40 AM
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Feb 9, 2016
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Central NY
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Why is a Colt more expensive than a S&W? Because the Colts cylinder rotates clockwise and the Smiths rotates counter clockwise...lol

Stihl is more expensive because of the two tone color scheme. Ha ha

I considered buyin a 441 when I picked up my 372 but couldn't justify the extra $125 for a saw that was by the specs identical. Both great brands IMHO.

stihl saws

You can always justify another saw.
Local time
2:40 AM
User ID
Jan 18, 2016
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Colt cylinders rotate the "right" way. I've always wondered if Stihls higher pricing was because of their dealer only sales. Not saying that's necessarily a bad thing. If you can find a good dealer.