High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys

Who's truck on the NY thruway


Super OPE Member
Local time
2:55 AM
User ID
Jan 7, 2016
Reaction score
Orange County NY
I spent a fair amount of time behind the windshield of a big rig and have seen all of the lower 48 save ND and ME. I never had a problem with a region, it was always the big cities I hated. I never found customers in southern cities to be significantly more friendly than in northern cities.... It really is a urban vs country thing. Believe it or not, there are alot of country folk up here in the north who aren't all that different from country folk down south/out west/etc etc....

Us NYers aren't all hippy/communist/liberal/progressive Killary supporters... We drive trucks with NRA stickers on the rear windows, own firearms, shoot, make our own ammo, take care of each other, support the men and women in uniform (military and police), and would rather spend a week riding ATV's on Tug Hill ending the day in front of a campfire with a cold one in our hand than go to Manhatten for any reason.... NYC is our idea of hell on earth.. In fact, I would rather have my last testicle removed than be forced to live in that dung heap.

Country isn't a geographical thing, it's and upbringing and state of mind thing. ;)

Oh and that wasn't my truck... This is my truck.....You can see a little orange in the rear window through the open passenger door window... That's my Husky sticker...
View attachment 28416
That's one badass truck.