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What's on your bench?


Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
8:03 AM
User ID
Jan 9, 2016
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middle tn
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Got closer to the bench, then found a puddle under my truck, rear diff pinion seal gave up. Only 189k! Lol

Finished up by topping off fluid went to climb out and got the hitch in the lower rear rib cage... [emoji36]

Sent from my XT1635-01 using Tapatalk


Youtube speciawist
Local time
9:03 AM
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Jan 8, 2016
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Farmington, CT
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As the story goes, 2.5 months ago I bought a 288 parts saw on ebay. paid too much... 200-250ish. i forget. got about 150$+ in parts ahead of time to complete it. Saw doesn't show up. Its in shipping limbo ... for 2 months. Finally get my money back. BUT... in the meantime I'm stuck with 150 worth of 288 parts. So I find another parts saw. on ebay for about the same money. I'm into it for ... uh.. about 400 bucks so far.
In addition to that it needs a PILE of stuff.

thanks to @dustinwilt68 for doing some horse trading.

in addition to that, i needed a new head ... $200ish, $160 worth of stuff from ebay including a new oem oiler, new oem top cover and am clutch cover, another $100 in smalls from ereplacement parts, and another $100 of incidentals from HL supply.

a $1k 288xp ... and it won't even have a new gas tank or carb. UGH....

the stuff i get myself into .... yikes


AKA Deetsey
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9:03 AM
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Dec 28, 2015
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As the story goes, 2.5 months ago I bought a 288 parts saw on ebay. paid too much... 200-250ish. i forget. got about 150$+ in parts ahead of time to complete it. Saw doesn't show up. Its in shipping limbo ... for 2 months. Finally get my money back. BUT... in the meantime I'm stuck with 150 worth of 288 parts. So I find another parts saw. on ebay for about the same money. I'm into it for ... uh.. about 400 bucks so far.
In addition to that it needs a PILE of stuff.

thanks to @dustinwilt68 for doing some horse trading.

in addition to that, i needed a new head ... $200ish, $160 worth of stuff from ebay including a new oem oiler, new oem top cover and am clutch cover, another $100 in smalls from ereplacement parts, and another $100 of incidentals from HL supply.

a $1k 288xp ... and it won't even have a new gas tank or carb. UGH....

the stuff i get myself into .... yikes
Yup I know exactly what ya mean. Bought an 044, tank was shot, case half broke, so after new oem cases and oem tank. Plus the smalls to go with it, could’ve just bout a NOS one for the same money. Lol


Saw R skeery
Local time
8:03 AM
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Oct 21, 2016
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As the story goes, 2.5 months ago I bought a 288 parts saw on ebay. paid too much... 200-250ish. i forget. got about 150$+ in parts ahead of time to complete it. Saw doesn't show up. Its in shipping limbo ... for 2 months. Finally get my money back. BUT... in the meantime I'm stuck with 150 worth of 288 parts. So I find another parts saw. on ebay for about the same money. I'm into it for ... uh.. about 400 bucks so far.
In addition to that it needs a PILE of stuff.

thanks to @dustinwilt68 for doing some horse trading.

in addition to that, i needed a new head ... $200ish, $160 worth of stuff from ebay including a new oem oiler, new oem top cover and am clutch cover, another $100 in smalls from ereplacement parts, and another $100 of incidentals from HL supply.

a $1k 288xp ... and it won't even have a new gas tank or carb. UGH....

the stuff i get myself into .... yikes

Was it "as is" ?


Youtube speciawist
Local time
9:03 AM
User ID
Jan 8, 2016
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Farmington, CT
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a few thoughts / lessons reinforced ..

I've been rebuilding trashed saws for a while now. themes keep showing up. first theme is that if you are going to do this, don't expect to make money.

odds are, the saw thats been driven behind a truck, or over by a skidsteer (or looks nice but really HAS been driven over) will need way more parts than you expect. the quick flip has been essentially non existant for me

#2 get the saw cheap. ... i split most saws I get. with the time involved and all the proper parts required its SUPER easy to overspend the saw ... lots of 288's 200t's 372's going for big money and they just aren't worth it. you CAN find saws cheap. just gotta be patient.

#3 ... KNOW what you are buying. Walt just posted a video that reinforces this. someone trying to pass off something as oem but wasn't. super important for any buyer to KNOW what they are looking for / at. this is any and every buyer's responsibility.

for anyone that wants to know, i don't really care that much that i'm going to lose money on this saw. as annoying as it is, it makes for a great topic to talk about on youtube. ...and i might keep the saw, who knows :)


Mastermind Approved!
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9:03 AM
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Dec 30, 2015
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Brewster, NY
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At least with the Asian saws, I know what I'm getting myself into!

Those saws, a couple of pages back 460, 460 and 046. 440s do have decomp, but different filter cover, and 461s have the decomp off to the side.

big t double

You can call me Teddy Eastwood.....
Local time
8:03 AM
User ID
Jan 1, 2016
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Got closer to the bench, then found a puddle under my truck, rear diff pinion seal gave up. Only 189k! Lol

Finished up by topping off fluid went to climb out and got the hitch in the lower rear rib cage... [emoji36]

Sent from my XT1635-01 using Tapatalk

Broken ribs is kinda par for the course with you huh...:D


Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
9:03 AM
User ID
Feb 29, 2016
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Hayesville, NC
As the story goes, 2.5 months ago I bought a 288 parts saw on ebay. paid too much... 200-250ish. i forget. got about 150$+ in parts ahead of time to complete it. Saw doesn't show up. Its in shipping limbo ... for 2 months. Finally get my money back. BUT... in the meantime I'm stuck with 150 worth of 288 parts. So I find another parts saw. on ebay for about the same money. I'm into it for ... uh.. about 400 bucks so far.
In addition to that it needs a PILE of stuff.

thanks to @dustinwilt68 for doing some horse trading.

in addition to that, i needed a new head ... $200ish, $160 worth of stuff from ebay including a new oem oiler, new oem top cover and am clutch cover, another $100 in smalls from ereplacement parts, and another $100 of incidentals from HL supply.

a $1k 288xp ... and it won't even have a new gas tank or carb. UGH....

the stuff i get myself into .... yikes
Welcome to my world!


Redneck Chainsaw Repair
Local time
9:03 AM
User ID
Dec 23, 2015
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a few thoughts / lessons reinforced ..

I've been rebuilding trashed saws for a while now. themes keep showing up. first theme is that if you are going to do this, don't expect to make money.

odds are, the saw thats been driven behind a truck, or over by a skidsteer (or looks nice but really HAS been driven over) will need way more parts than you expect. the quick flip has been essentially non existant for me

#2 get the saw cheap. ... i split most saws I get. with the time involved and all the proper parts required its SUPER easy to overspend the saw ... lots of 288's 200t's 372's going for big money and they just aren't worth it. you CAN find saws cheap. just gotta be patient.

#3 ... KNOW what you are buying. Walt just posted a video that reinforces this. someone trying to pass off something as oem but wasn't. super important for any buyer to KNOW what they are looking for / at. this is any and every buyer's responsibility.

for anyone that wants to know, i don't really care that much that i'm going to lose money on this saw. as annoying as it is, it makes for a great topic to talk about on youtube. ...and i might keep the saw, who knows :)

Your just now realizing this? Found out many years ago.

Just to show when I was doing the OE 372 series. New OEM tanks, new OEM crankshaft kits etc and I would still sale the saws for $400 when done.

I've learned awhile back parting is worth more then the whole saws sometimes. Now I know why Scott in VT started doing that 15 years ago.


Mastermind Approved!
Local time
9:03 AM
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Dec 30, 2015
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Brewster, NY
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Hey, I don't like parting, I like building … and if you do it right you can stay afloat (but it will not pay for your labor).

And, no way around it, you can often only make it work with Asian parts … their tank holders make a lot of saws viable that otherwise would not be.


Redneck Chainsaw Repair
Local time
9:03 AM
User ID
Dec 23, 2015
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I took a running PP475 that I was selling to a local. When I checked it over I noticed the crank bearings were getting iffy feeling to them. So I told him needs bearings before I would sell.

Once I took it down. I thought pizz on it I never cared for the 475 ones anyway. So I parted it all out and got more then my asking price for the whole saw.

Another guy broke a case on his 365 saw. I pulled a running 60cc poulan apart I had just used for him to get a crankcase and flywheel and recoil cover.
Friends house where I went and cut some trees up for him with it.

Dont matter to me. Parts are parts.

I'm tired of building the same ole saws anymore I guess. I been selling my projects off as I have lost interest over the years. I mean how many dang runners you need of the same saw anyways. :risas3:

pp475cc.JPG p365ash.JPG