Well the guy that can't tune a saw for his life, has been tuning saws
all his days, and in all my time I have never heard of a saw being
damaged, and you all know how bad news travells.
I tested him out years ago, I tuned my Echo, gave it up to him to
tune, I deliberatley left her off a bit, he tuned her perfect.
I then gave him the saw for half a day to cut with, none of the
settings he set out of the wood were changed when I picked
her up this mid day.
And heres a quirk, the day I gave him the Echo to tune, I
had the 6100 with me too, as stated he asked me what was wrong
with her, that in his opinion she was right.
Well guess what, he bought her off me when I picked up the
the Echo today, I turned a profit, and as tomorrow is Saturday
and my son will be down cutting with me, I got myself this 362
at a price too good to refuse.
Sorry about the poor images, phone went on battery saver when I was
taking them.