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What oil is best? and what ratio?



The other coil I think is 12,8k. My 7310 was like that. I needed to lean it out a half turn past the limiter, but it was ported.
If yours cleans up right away and doesn't pop in the cut, it's probably fine
Hi huskihl
I think she wont require much further adjusting, will only know when
I get her cutting. But for sure the coil comes in around 12500 on the tach,
Must be a lower limit coil that is in her.


6100 is tuned well too, it was real cold here the morning and she started
right up as expected, idled well, stopped and restarted without choke after
only being going 20 seconds, revs well, tops out at 12700, so am happy with
Took her to an old guy who tunes, asked him to tune her, he studied her,
asked about her idle, and max rpm,
Started her, gave her a few revs, stopped her, started her right up again,
then he warmed her and reved her slowly, and sharply, and held her
open a second or two, repeated this a few times, and said, I can't see
anything wrong, why do you want her tuned.
Happy I hit the nail on the head with her.
I had to rich the top slightly to stop her taking that surge
from 12700 to 13200 that she had been taking,, she does not get
to that zone now,


Pinnacle OPE Member
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10:43 PM
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Jan 12, 2016
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Thanks for the warning, I have her set to 12000 fourstroking,
so I should be safe, no room lean her out much more as she
definately goes on the rev limiter on the low side of 12500.
Just upped the low a little too, now I have a small seep of oil
at muffler after a few good revs, so am sure she is righ enough all round.

Thans, john
My 7900 ran clean on any oil ratio. It' likely your are too rich.


Pinnacle OPE Member
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10:43 PM
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Jan 12, 2016
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6100 is tuned well too, it was real cold here the morning and she started
right up as expected, idled well, stopped and restarted without choke after
only being going 20 seconds, revs well, tops out at 12700, so am happy with
Took her to an old guy who tunes, asked him to tune her, he studied her,
asked about her idle, and max rpm,
Started her, gave her a few revs, stopped her, started her right up again,
then he warmed her and reved her slowly, and sharply, and held her
open a second or two, repeated this a few times, and said, I can't see
anything wrong, why do you want her tuned.
Happy I hit the nail on the head with her.
I had to rich the top slightly to stop her taking that surge
from 12700 to 13200 that she had been taking,, she does not get
to that zone now,
That guy, like most people can' tune a saw to save his life...


Well the guy that can't tune a saw for his life, has been tuning saws
all his days, and in all my time I have never heard of a saw being
damaged, and you all know how bad news travells.
I tested him out years ago, I tuned my Echo, gave it up to him to
tune, I deliberatley left her off a bit, he tuned her perfect.
I then gave him the saw for half a day to cut with, none of the
settings he set out of the wood were changed when I picked
her up this mid day.

And heres a quirk, the day I gave him the Echo to tune, I
had the 6100 with me too, as stated he asked me what was wrong
with her, that in his opinion she was right.

Well guess what, he bought her off me when I picked up the
the Echo today, I turned a profit, and as tomorrow is Saturday
and my son will be down cutting with me, I got myself this 362
at a price too good to refuse.
Sorry about the poor images, phone went on battery saver when I was
taking them.


My 7900 ran clean on any oil ratio. It' likely your are too rich.
Yes, I can get mine to run clean or slightly oily,
its all in the tune.
I have mine that when she starts and runs a minute she will put out a smidge that is only noticable if you look for it, wipe it off, and you wont see more
oil again when she is warm.
Its amazing that after a long break form saws and mecahnicing in general
how it takes a while, but it makes you simle when you hit the
spot again.

Regards, john


Saws with limited coils need to be tuned in the wood, while cutting
Very true, but if your reffereing to the Echo 501, coil never cut her
and I had up at 12,000, where she simply does not have to ever be
for what she is.
The 7900, definately needs to be in wood to put the finishing touches
to her, as most saws do, but I know her limits out of the wood so will be
easy to get her bang on.

Regards, john


My 7900 ran clean on any oil ratio. It' likely your are too rich.
Yes, but after she warms, wipe the smidge off, and no more oil will
be present, the screen is nice and clean, no sticky of any kind present.

Regards, john

RI Chevy

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May 7, 2016
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Nice John. I guess it is real clean. [emoji106]
Keep us posted. Maybe a video or something. It's gonna take a few tanks for it to wake up a bit.
I am curious to hear your analysis between the 2 saws. How they operate and handle differently. Power bands, etc.