High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

What oil is best? and what ratio?


Pinnacle OPE Member
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Jan 13, 2016
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N.E. Ohio
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I'm anxious to hear your comparison of the Dolmar PS6100 to the MS362c. Maybe you should start a new thread for this comparison. I'm sure a lot of us would like to see your results, videos and photos. Put a link in this thread taking us to the new thread....

I run a 6100, 362c and 562. Pretty nice group right there. And all three very different from each other. Which comes down to personal preference.


I used it, very good oil IMO. FD rated. Great buy on Ebay right now for 24 bottles for $42 delivered. Hard to beat that price.
I would buy it, never used it other than in the 6100 that I
got from ajschainsaws, but on the safey sheet for the oil,
I read only good regarding its viscosity, and so I do not get
into another exchange with anyone, lets just say it has good
thermal qualities.

Over this past few weeks, looking into oils, I have deduced that
there are some oils that are to be avoided, and other than those,
any brand name oil will work just fine, especially any oil recommended
by the big names in the saw business.
The guy who tunes near me, doesnt even have a bottle of synthetic oil
in the shed, and he cuts all the time, and only tunes when its wet or in
the evenings and weekends, no failures because of oil.
If you are cutting in extreme heat and putting your saw under pressure,
I would think that even then, a rich tune will do as much good as looking
for a super oil.

Regards, john
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I'm anxious to hear your comparison of the Dolmar PS6100 to the MS362c. Maybe you should start a new thread for this comparison. I'm sure a lot of us would like to see your results, videos and photos. Put a link in this thread taking us to the new thread....

I run a 6100, 362c and 562. Pretty nice group right there. And all three very different from each other. Which comes down to personal preference.
As far as am concerned, out of the three saws you mention,
the 6100 would be my choice, extreemely well built.
Easy and quick access to the filter and plug area,
And a complete animal, with no AT or MT to go wrong.
If the Husky had no AT, then it would be second.
Not saying the Stihl is a bad saw, I got it for my son because it
is lighter, it will never be put under pressure with him either,
so it will certainly be the best choice for him.

If I was working for a living with a s aw, I would take the 6100,
it is simple, strong, easy to get parts for, and can not be compared
to the Stihl in any of these respects.

Regards, john


I don't think I will ever have a larger Stihl than 60cc.
The 6100 I only sold to keep the old guy who tunes
the pro saws happy, he was standing with a smile like
a half moon when he heard her run.
Might get me another one, in a bit of a tizzy as son likes
Stihl, forgive him, he is young.

RI Chevy

Mastermind Approved!
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May 7, 2016
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Nothing wrong with Stihl saws. Come on now. Lol
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Nothing wrong with Stihl saws. Come on now. Lol
We only ever had two Stihls, an 041AV
that is 40 yrs old, and this new 362.
The 041 was a great saw, I have no idea how
the 362 will hold up, never used it yet.
I was only comparing the build quality,
the easy access to the top, it looks like the
Stihl will be harder to clean inside the air box,
where the 6100 was well sealed up, and had lots more room to manouver,
for either cleaning or repairs.
I certainly hope the 362 is a good saw, but right
now, the 6100 is in my opinion much better built
and thought out saw.
When I was looking for a 6400, people commented the 6100 was a better saw,
I would completely agree with this.
The 6100 has huge torque, which makes up for the few ccs extra in the 6400,
it is slightly ligher too, and has a flat bottom which will keep clean
and be easier to clean than the 6400 that has all
the honey comb like structure on the bottom in which everything will get stuck.
Definately not knocking Stihl, same as am not knocking the 6400,
just a different saw than the 6100, and will work fine for what I need.
But AT or MT, me don't like.

Regards, john
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RI Chevy

Mastermind Approved!
Local time
11:22 PM
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May 7, 2016
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I hear ya. Just funnin. Good luck with the saw and give us a report back after you run it a bit. I think you will like it. It has nice filtration.


Thanks RI Chevy
If you hadn't wished me good luck, I would have had no luck at all.
Same here, most of us are not on to stir, we are just all so different
and have our own ideas of what is righ for us, I have a foot
in quite a few camps, so not a fan of any perticular breed.
