There are very few gaskets you have to cut for yourself if you search a bit. The easiest place to find them may be Randy Duncan, but his are often the most expensive.
Maybe the only one that is really hard to find is the 10 Series fuel tank gasket for the models with the take apart tanks. You can cut a small strip off the end of a roll of gasket material to make your own, seal the edges with threebond or similar.
Bob Johnson in NY is a good source, PM if you need his phone number. Discount Marine in Bark River, MI is a good source as well.
e-bay will turn up most, usually they are not so expensive if you consider your time to have any value. Lately there has been an e-bay seller making modern reproductions of the more common ones for the large frame saws and selling them 5 or 10 at a time.
Well known e-bay seller customshainsawparts has quite a few as well.
I have been collecting saws and parts for a few years so I have a pretty good stock of the more common ones stored in some old drawing files, seems a pretty good way to keep them organized.
I keep several different thicknesses of gasket material in another drawer as a back up plan but haven't had to cut a gasket for a couple of years.