It’s quite a bit smaller then the 661. Very cool. I’m getting excited now. Thanks for sharing the pics.
Maybe to early to ask since the 500 is just now being launched but is there a wrap handle and dual dawgs for them? Maybe they share the same parts as a 462???The MS 500i has the same size as the MS 462.
Things take time. They're just now learning how to sharpen chainsDual dawgs are no problem as they have the same clutch cover as a MS 462.
There is no wrap handle available right now.
Germany is no wrap handle territory.
Maybe to early to ask since the 500 is just now being launched but is there a wrap handle and dual dawgs for them? Maybe they share the same parts as a 462???
Something different. These 2 were posted in the CRG today.
Looks like it would be one for the collector types.
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