In doing a little research here this morning, I have a question. If I have a carb that has the limiter tabs with the 3/4, 1/4 settings on the filter cover and remove the limiter tabs, Do I use the H1, L1 presets? I am just trying to get my 440 dialed in correctly. Do all 440's have the same carbs? Is the H1, L1 preset the standard with these saws?
Thanks for your patience with my stupid questions. LOL
I removed the limiters and went with the H3/4, L1/4 preset and had a little trouble starting. So I backed off on the LA until I got it running. When I tached out on high, I was only showing 12800. The manual shows 13500 for stock. It was 4 stroking pretty good at 12800 with H3/4 preset. But I just want to get this carb adjustment right.