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Splitter Wars 2020


Pinnacle OPE Member
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I would fall asleep with a hydraulic splitter, I have never used a splitter I like swinging an axe but if I used alot of firewood maybe a kinetic.
We only use some firewood during spring and fall at our summer cottage. I split maybe 1 cord a year, it only keeps me busy for a couple of days, I wish I had more!


Super OPE Member
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Jan 27, 2016
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I have a TW 6 that I put about 400 hrs on and a pair or SS that run like SOBs. Two of the most "service free" and hell for stout built machines I've operated. All of these Splitter options depends on the wood supply available and the amount of labor you intend to employ. Me running my TW6 alone is a waste of money. Me with my 17 yo son fly through a cord of firewood. By myself with smaller stock my SS hangs with my TW volume wise.
One size does NOT fit all purposes. These "direct" competitions don't impress me much until I have about 50 hours on a splitter.

That is why this was not a competition, it was a timed demonstration. We did it so people could see different types, brands, and or splitter options in action. People also got to see how each persons technique will splitting, so maybe they learned something there. I know if the size of wood, or split size was changed for this demonstration, we would get different results.

I have 92 hours on my split second trouble free.


@94BULLITT how many of those participants are on FHC/OPE?

I think I am the only one.

I did like some of the design features that the Split Second splitters brought to the table. But when you’re in the flywheel kinetic market...sometimes trying to out-do the best simply doesn’t work. And DR will eventually go the same. We can beat this dead horse ten ways to hell. When it’s all said and done, adding/stacking, crunching the numbers...Super Split will still be the best flywheel splitter on this rock. And my Super Split HD ain’t jealous of no splitter, unless you bring a big, bad ass TW or other wood processor around. I’ve got a 20-ton dual split with 4-way slip on wedge and a 7 sec cycle time each way...it can’t keep up with my SS HD at times depending on wood type.

Nonetheless...every splitter does it’s job...just a matter of how quick you wanna do it.

What makes the super split hd better than a split second?

I like the kinetics , I just purchased a Portek Charger 8.5 ton
Very fast but it needs a table made as its pretty low

View attachment 237124 View attachment 237125

Those seem to work surprisingly well. I'd like to have one for splitting kindling inside.


Fapper Fi
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That is why this was not a competition, it was a timed demonstration. We did it so people could see different types, brands, and or splitter options in action. People also got to see how each persons technique will splitting, so maybe they learned something there. I know if the size of wood, or split size was changed for this demonstration, we would get different results.

I have 92 hours on my split second trouble free.


I think I am the only one.

What makes the super split hd better than a split second?

Those seem to work surprisingly well. I'd like to have one for splitting kindling inside.
Good for you young man on that Split Second...as long as you’re happy and it’s getting the job done, you can’t ask for nothing else. I’m glad to hear that machine is busting wood and serving you well. It don’t make a cats’ ass what splitters we have, yours, mine, nothing in between...in the long run. It all ends up split for one purpose...to make heat!


Super OPE Member
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Jan 27, 2016
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Good for you young man on that Split Second...as long as you’re happy and it’s getting the job done, you can’t ask for nothing else. I’m glad to hear that machine is busting wood and serving you well. It don’t make a cats’ ass what splitters we have, yours, mine, nothing in between...in the long run. It all ends up split for one purpose...to make heat!

Thanks, I believe the Super Split is a good splitter. I had a very hard time deciding which one to get.

angelo c

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That is why this was not a competition, it was a timed demonstration. We did it so people could see different types, brands, and or splitter options in action. People also got to see how each persons technique will splitting, so maybe they learned something there. I know if the size of wood, or split size was changed for this demonstration, we would get different results.

I have 92 hours on my split second trouble free.


I think I am the only one.

What makes the super split hd better than a split second?

Those seem to work surprisingly well. I'd like to have one for splitting kindling inside.

I have never run a Split Second so I can't comment on its use... you seem to have gotten great use thus far out of yours. Awesome. One of my Super Splits is about 30 years old and when I need parts I call "Paul" ...either he or his Son answers the phone or calls me back. He knows my machine( like damn near EVERY one of his machines) like the back of his eyelids and tells me what I need to AND how to do it. Sends me the stuff and away we go.... that has value to me. Timberwolf is supposed to be getting better at the "service" side but it was a mess for a few years while the "transition" took place


Well-Known OPE Member
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Oct 23, 2019
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I have never run a Split Second so I can't comment on its use... you seem to have gotten great use thus far out of yours. Awesome. One of my Super Splits is about 30 years old and when I need parts I call "Paul" ...either he or his Son answers the phone or calls me back. He knows my machine( like damn near EVERY one of his machines) like the back of his eyelids and tells me what I need to AND how to do it. Sends me the stuff and away we go.... that has value to me. Timberwolf is supposed to be getting better at the "service" side but it was a mess for a few years while the "transition" took place

Angelo - Ive been out of the loop for a bit, but what transition happened at TW?

XP for Life

Well-Known OPE Member
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If you have $10k - 15k to throw around, the Eastonmade splitter makes quick work of all sizes of wood. Throw a box wedge on it and you will split your neighbors wood too!


Axes never run out of Gas
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Jan 26, 2016
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I gotta tell ya...one of the most efficient "splitting tools" is a conveyor....really helps out a ton and makes handling so much easier.

yes gotta agree there been looking into getting one I went to a place a few mths back and he has got one at the end of his circular saw he was pushing the logs that where the right size of the end of the bench and the big ones for the splitter to onse side then split them later straight into the the elevator

angelo c

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Angelo - Ive been out of the loop for a bit, but what transition happened at TW?
Don't remember the names but TW was sold to some large bio mass company and it was just about ignored for a few years...not sure if it was sold off again or the new president took an actual interest in the operations side....who ever is running the company now has redesigned a few of the machines and IMO actually runs the machines. The alpha 6 looks like a very much improved platform then my tw6. Can't wait to run one


Super OPE Member
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4:58 PM
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Jan 27, 2016
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I have never run a Split Second so I can't comment on its use... you seem to have gotten great use thus far out of yours. Awesome. One of my Super Splits is about 30 years old and when I need parts I call "Paul" ...either he or his Son answers the phone or calls me back. He knows my machine( like damn near EVERY one of his machines) like the back of his eyelids and tells me what I need to AND how to do it. Sends me the stuff and away we go.... that has value to me. Timberwolf is supposed to be getting better at the "service" side but it was a mess for a few years while the "transition" took place

Have you used your Super Splits enough to wear the pinion? How many hours or cords did it take?

I gotta tell ya...one of the most efficient "splitting tools" is a conveyor....really helps out a ton and makes handling so much easier.

I have one. When I had my harbor freight splitter, which was actually fast, I learned two things about a fast splitter. The first is you are going to have a problem keeping wood to it. The other is your are going to have a problem getting the wood away from it. After I got the splitter second this was more of an issue. I found on old conveyor and made it into a firewood conveyor. I also now have a skeleton bucket for the tractor. I can move rounds to the splitter with it and big pile, or I can leave the loader at waist height and transfer the rounds to the splitter. It also works good for handling splits. I can move a pile or load a truck or trailer.

If you have $10k - 15k to throw around, the Eastonmade splitter makes quick work of all sizes of wood. Throw a box wedge on it and you will split your neighbors wood too!

That is my top choice for a hydraulic splitter.

Don't remember the names but TW was sold to some large bio mass company and it was just about ignored for a few years...not sure if it was sold off again or the new president took an actual interest in the operations side....who ever is running the company now has redesigned a few of the machines and IMO actually runs the machines. The alpha 6 looks like a very much improved platform then my tw6. Can't wait to run one

Automated Biomass Systems (ABS) bought TW. ABS was the first ones that I know of that made a box wedge with a pull back arm. The new Alpha looks like it has some similarities with the old ABS-630, but you can change the wedge.

angelo c

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Replaced one pinion on my older SS. Hard to tell how many hours it took because it was used hard and put away wet many years before I bought it. Then I put about two hunnerd hours on it....

Then I loaned it out to a friend...
Who let his helper, who never used a kinetic splitter run it

And that took about an hour.

Al Smith

Here For The Long Haul!
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Jan 14, 2016
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Much ado about how to split fire wood .Everybody thinks it's the Indy 500 or something which it's not .An axe will get-er-done a hydraulic splitter is just easier for us old timers,let the engine do the work .
I fired up my home build yesterday.Pounded on the carb to get the float to stop leaking and split about a face cord of oak .Tweaked the high speed jet a time or two because that thing had sat for over 6 months since it was used .The valve is leaking a little bit but it will stop after some usage I suppose .
I've got 10-12 cords of oak in a big heap that needs split .If I do it in a month or a year it's no big deal as I have two years ahead as it is .Warmer weather is just around the corner .Time for the finer things in life like grilling steaks on the bar be Q and drinking adult beverages on the patio .I'm retired and enjoying it ,you younger bunch can play race with the firewood,have fun now .