Maple don't stink ,its the cotton wood that has the bad smell.Our maple here and Chevy s way doesn’t stink. I like it. Split it big or leave round and it doesn’t burn up fast and makes amazing heat.
I can’t read junkman. I see now what you’re laying down there for me. I do dig maple a lot. I keep a nice stash of different assortmentMaple don't stink ,its the cotton wood that has the bad smell.
Our maple here and Chevy s way doesn’t stink. I like it. Split it big or leave round and it doesn’t burn up fast and makes amazing heat.
Maple don't stink ,its the cotton wood that has the bad smell.
Doesn't sound so grand to me.That and grand fir you smell like cat piss forever after cutting that nasty stuff.
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Sup B !??Since i started the triangle cut with alder have not blown the back out of one yet.
Anybody got any crayons? Cuz that shìt made no sense to me at all
-1.View attachment 159906 The junkman draws prettier. But that’s bout how it works
I ate my crayons...-1.
You used a sharpie
i will try to find some images tomorrow of someSup B !??
What is this triangle cut thing that you speak of ?
Details please ?
Some situations guys do not use an actual notch in the face(cut #1), just a single cut into the face which doesn't act as much of a hinge. On those trees it's going where it's going anyway and you have little control your only getting it to the ground, it's much like cutting a vertical branch that's the size of a tree.View attachment 159906 The junkman draws prettier. But that’s bout how it works