tree monkey
Mastermind Approved!

I like how it's a big deal to you to work in a saw I ported.4 port engines have huge advantages over 2 ports, 5 ports are better yet. but I don't thing you understand how they work.
that's what I see from your port work
I like how it's a big deal to you to work in a saw I ported.
Pretty sure that was a dual port that didn't run bad when I had it anyway.
Do you think I've ever worked on a saw somebody else ported?
Do you think I've never ran any of your saws?
While you talk about how great you are I'm building saws.
To date I've ran one saw you did that ran good and a few that didn't but you don't hear about it from me because I don't care and what can a guy gain from it?
I've never once seen you be anything other than a dick and I'd say that's probably starting to catch up with you.
Do you think I could take a random saw you ported and pick it apart and sat it don't run good and mine are better?
You can make a good running saw but it won't please everyone everytime,I get asked all the time to redo a saw that another guy ported and not one time have I and I never will,I think it's underhanded and a dick move and I ain't that way.
I must be incredibly lucky to get a saw to run like they do and have no idea how a transfer works.
I hope I never turn into a guy like you are that only sees it his way but I see how easy it can happen when you have all your posse telling you that you are the best.
I can't think of a time where I done anything but try to agree with you and I've always been respectful and helped out any way I could when you or someone you know needs it and you can only talk *s-word and run me down.
That says a lot about what kind of man you are.
If I needed the work bad enough to redo saws you can bet your ass is be man enough to keep it to myself.
Do you honestly think doing that will hurt me? Only one person that hurts and it's not me.
There's 2 lies in this having a bad day?
the saw that you did that is being sent, is being sent because you refused to make it right. i don't think you know how to make it into what he wants. he is unhappy with your work, plan and simple.
I have never ran one of your saws so I can't say one way or the other how they run. vids mean nothing to me.
lets compare them in iowa. i'll be there, will you?
I don't know Scott,like I said he's never said one word to me about it.if he was happy with the saw, then why is he sending it to me?
refresh my memory. where and when did I run your 064?
In the case of the 461 and 661 you'd certainly be correct.Exactly.
My quad is longer than your dual.
Pretty sure a lot of guys ran either your 064 or 066 at the NY GTG last year and it blew them away Jason.
I wasn't there, but I do remember hearing it was very impressive.
That's exactly how it is with Jason.Ok I am gonna speak up
I had Jason Do my 066 and I told him I wanted a long bar saw when I did get it back I didn't have any big wood to run it in it would run a 25 inch bar fine in the soft wood I had when I finally got to run my 32 inch bar the 066 felt like a loud stock saw almost had to baby the saw in the wood and that is not what I asked for
The reason I didn't say anything to you Jason is because of how you have treated other customers when they said something to you
I will not talk or argue with someone who feels they are a porting god
As far as I'm concerned you are a self centered ego driven prick
I asked Scott to redo my 066 and told him what I wanted the saw to do
Jason you are supposed to be a business man and customer service is where you need to learn to suck up your ego and admit you messed up
It's pretty bad when my 046s will outcut the 066 and you belittle the 046/460 because of weight to power well what you sent me back wasn't anything but a boat anchor and it's time for it to get power back into the 066 where I do want to run it not just sit on a shelf
If you have a problem with me don't text or call me since I'm your earlier posts you pretty much called me a liar I don't want to talk to you because of your attitude and you won't touch another saw of mine
If I have said anything out of line then Randy or Jon can ban me but I will not argue like a *b-word
Did you tell Scott that I refused to do anything?Ok I am gonna speak up
I had Jason Do my 066 and I told him I wanted a long bar saw when I did get it back I didn't have any big wood to run it in it would run a 25 inch bar fine in the soft wood I had when I finally got to run my 32 inch bar the 066 felt like a loud stock saw almost had to baby the saw in the wood and that is not what I asked for
The reason I didn't say anything to you Jason is because of how you have treated other customers when they said something to you
I will not talk or argue with someone who feels they are a porting god
As far as I'm concerned you are a self centered ego driven prick
I asked Scott to redo my 066 and told him what I wanted the saw to do
Jason you are supposed to be a business man and customer service is where you need to learn to suck up your ego and admit you messed up
It's pretty bad when my 046s will outcut the 066 and you belittle the 046/460 because of weight to power well what you sent me back wasn't anything but a boat anchor and it's time for it to get power back into the 066 where I do want to run it not just sit on a shelf
If you have a problem with me don't text or call me since I'm your earlier posts you pretty much called me a liar I don't want to talk to you because of your attitude and you won't touch another saw of mine
If I have said anything out of line then Randy or Jon can ban me but I will not argue like a *b-word
Did you tell Scott that I refused to do anything?
It ran a long bar pretty good I thought but that's not the problem,I've talked to you 100 times since I ported that saw and you never said one word to me about not liking it,now a guy I thought was a freind is so mad he won't speak to me and bashes me behind my back because his saw won't run a long bar like he wants.
Are you serious?
I talk to you not long ago and everything was fine and have been nothing but nice and helpful so I'm not understanding why you would tell everyone about it and run me down without me knowing anything about it.
Since I heard a couple weeks ago I've tried talking to you on the phone like a grown man does and not on a public forum but got no response so the only thing you want to do is bash me.
You have my phone number and if you wanted to do anything other than make me look bad for something I didn't know about then you would have called me.
I honestly don't know what I can do to try and help if I don't know anything about it.
I never even heard about it so how can I refuse to do anything about it?
This is the most unbelievable thing I've ever seen,grown men on the Internet. Lol
Scott is bashing my work that he's never even seen because a freind of mine lied to him and everyone else about me refusing to work on his saw that I didn't know had a problem,forgive me but how am I supposed to fix that?None of this is my problem....but I have to deal with it too often.
All of this *B-S.... is hurting the site.
I'll say this one thing and no more.'s always you in the center of every issue.
That has to stop.
I'm not taking sides.....I'm stating a fact. No other member has caused more trouble for this site than you.
Find a way to fix that problem.