I helped out my next door neighbor by taking the wood from his cut down trees so it would save him $3,000+ in disposal fees and then I tilled his back yard so he could have a nice garden. This is only what was dumped over my fence by the skid steer in 4-8 foot lengths. I have 30"+ diameter 8 foot logs in his yard to go get after growing season is over. Basically firewood for next year, though it has been cut and split a few months so I guess I could burn it if I had too. I am starting to store my wood in 330 gallon water totes. I just had not had the money to buy them, try to get them for free or $25 or less, and time to stack the wood.
The stuff under the tarp is rotted sweet gum, it is pretty dry, I might burn it this year with some dried oak and pine. My Chinese 37 ton log splitter is doing the job fine, I did not realize how the slightly faster 14 second cycle time would add up over cords of wood.
I have some short logs saved in the background for my chainsaw mill and unfortunately the crotch log is too shattered to matchbook, it is going to be firewood. I am hoping to get three years worth of wood ready. I burn about 5 cords a year.
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