Today, We are producing more oil than anybody in the world, more than we ever had... in 2019 we produced 12.3 million gallons a day... in 2023 it was 12.9 million gallons a day...
2019 it was $58 per barrel where as in 2023 its $76 per barrel... there are multiple reasons for increase of fuel prices... 1st and foremost its due to poor business dealings as well as kickbacks to/from individuals and corporations (globally).. those are the main culprits... that's followed by our limited capacity to refine the product thanks to the current administration closing refineries and various pipelines The pipelines being Keystone, Dakota and Colonial... The refineries are....
*Philadelphia Energy Solutions Refinery*: Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, this refinery had a capacity of 335,000 barrels per calendar day (b/cd) and was closed after a major incident in 2019
*Shell Refinery*: Located in Convent, Louisiana, this refinery had a capacity of 211,146 b/cd and was closed in 2020
*Tesoro (Marathon) Refinery*: Located in Martinez, California, this refinery had a capacity of 161,000 b/cd and was closed in 2020
*HollyFrontier Refinery*: Located in Cheyenne, Wyoming, this refinery had a capacity of 48,000 b/cd and was closed in 2020
*Western Refining Refinery*: Located in Gallup, New Mexico, this refinery had a capacity of 27,000 b/cd and was closed in 2020
*Dakota Prairie Refinery*: Located in Dickinson, North Dakota, this refinery had a capacity of 19,000 b/cd and was closed in 2020
*Shell Convent Refinery*: Located in St. James, Louisiana, this refinery was closed permanently
*Marathon Refinery*: Located in Martinez, California, and Gallup, New Mexico, these refineries were closed permanently
In short, they used the plandemic to change the structure of our society...
What we are currently witnessing is the power struggles amongst 2 groups. And we the people are and will be the victims of their games/politics. Perhaps one day the masses will wake up and start being self sufficient/reliant, supporting their local farmers etc...

here's to hoping