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Random Thought Of The Day

Mack 880

Happy to Stihl be Here
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1:09 PM
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Jan 30, 2023
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I take all my vaccinations every year. I have taken all the COVID vaccinations I am allowed to. I have had no side effects, no issues at all. Everyone is different, and for those who suffer ill effects, it stinks.

But for me and my family, we have always taken all vaccines when available and they have worked as advertised. For those that are genetically predisposed to negative effects, maybe a genetic test would reveal whatever deficiency is causing your reaction?


Stock Chainsaws do not suck!
Yearly GoldMember
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Oct 12, 2021
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I take all my vaccinations every year. I have taken all the COVID vaccinations I am allowed to. I have had no side effects, no issues at all. Everyone is different, and for those who suffer ill effects, it stinks.

But for me and my family, we have always taken all vaccines when available and they have worked as advertised. For those that are genetically predisposed to negative effects, maybe a genetic test would reveal whatever deficiency is causing your reaction?
I certainly hope your luck continues.


Stock Chainsaws do not suck!
Yearly GoldMember
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1:09 PM
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Oct 12, 2021
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East, TN
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Tax on my paycheck!
Tax on whatever I putchase!
Tax on whatever I may sell "officially"!

So, at 25% VAT I get taxed UP TO 75%!

Fck that!!!

We are SLAVES!

No, I am not of sound mind!
No, I am not sober!
No, I do not care what others may think of my take on this topic!

I am not poor nor starving, but I am so sick and tired of working for the lazy wealthy and the rich!
Give em hell Wilhelm, you are right about all of it.


Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
12:09 PM
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Jan 16, 2018
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Tax on my paycheck!
Tax on whatever I putchase!
Tax on whatever I may sell "officially"!

So, at 25% VAT I get taxed UP TO 75%!

Fck that!!!

We are SLAVES!

No, I am not of sound mind!
No, I am not sober!
No, I do not care what others may think of my take on this topic!

I am not poor nor starving, but I am so sick and tired of working for the lazy wealthy and the rich!

Rich Fife

Sally slap my ass
Local time
1:09 PM
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Mar 4, 2023
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Big Govt + Big Corporations = Democratic Socialism. They dictate how well or how poorly the everyday blue collar worker lives.
Modern "Reps" are "Dems" of Yesterday. A lot of Prior Left Leaning People are in this new administration.
The 2 party system is BS, a facade to conceal the uni-party.
The owners of the US (Rothchilds)... State Street, Vanguard, Blackrock, etc etc... they all own stake/shares of each other.
What we're witnessing today is a battle between The Jews vs The Zionists... this is touchy territory, it's like splitting hairs... yes, there is a difference) when viewed from a neutral perspective without bias, currently, there is no difference from what the Zionists are doing compared to the Catholics and Chrstians in their early days...
Soon, digital currency will be rolled in... the known system will fail and AI will be used to track, take control and make decisions on our behalf.. under the guise of Neutral, bias free and logical decisions. AI works from base coding/programming, algorithms and can be manipulated by language structure and data dumps..
Smart cities in the near future will be popping up... 2028-2030 time frame another big pandemic will be pushed by big pharm, dod and big corp. (Maybe sooner)...
Humanity is going down the *s-wordter... we are driving towards the cliff at increasing speeds... and how we know and knew life, will only be a memory that's quickly forgotten.

Bill G

Here For The Long Haul!
Yearly GoldMember
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12:09 PM
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Mar 14, 2017
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You are correct, but, unfortunately, there is also Social Security tax, and in most cases State income tax and payroll taxes, and folks are usually in the dark about computing anything other than the bottom line.

Health care costs, regardless of if they are paid by you or the employer, are also a major burden. We have created about the most expensive health care in the world, but it is NOT working. Live expectancy has declined (for the first time in our history) and life expectancy for minorities (who it was supposed to help the most) have declined even faster.

You don't need to be Rocket Scientists to figure out why. We have drifted away from eating right, exercising and staying fit and fallen into the delusion that you can take a medication or get a shot to cure anything that is wrong with you. Simply put, all this crap has side effects, and we are currently reaping what we have sown.

Of course, the major pharmaceutical companies, who are in bed with the government to create this stupid system are perfectly content with all of this, they are making money hand over fist.

The fact that the Covid test data does not have to be revealed for 75 years tells you all you need to know about who is being protected ... and it is no us!

I am not in any way attempting to ignore SS, Medicare and State taxes.
I do will still stand by my belief that in the end when folks file their return no tax is higher on income gained from "overtime".
Those who believe it is are simply mistaken.

On a side note as for State income taxes folks ought to take a look at the Iowa State Income (local) Sur-tax.
In 1996 when I filed a Iowa return the State tax was 9.98% and the local Sur-Tax was 14%.. That will make your gonades shrink up a bit until you research it a bit:)


Mastermind Approved!
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Dec 30, 2015
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Brewster, NY
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I'll take the guy who believes in God (whether you do or not), our second amendment rights, lower taxes and energy independence any day of the week over what we have had for the last 4 years.

The cost cutting duo he has put in place is also necessary. Our debt, combined with the high interest rates, is like playing a game of the straw that broke the Camel's back. You will not know what too much is till it breaks, and then it will be too late. We are dangerously close, and unlike at the end of WWII, we don't have millions of veterans returning who are ashamed to be on public assistance and wanting to work their fingers to the bone so that future generations will not have to go through what they went through. Don't forget, they did not just survive the war, but endured the great depression before the war. They truly were the greatest generation, and we are foolish if we give away the prosperity they worked so hard to give us.

Utilizing our energy resources, to both save Social Security and reduce the debt, truly (IMO) seems like our only way out.

I am scared for my grandchildren if we don't reverse course on these massive deficits, and soon.

Advice from one of my Accounting Teachers in college (who knew he was dying from cancer but wanted to teach with his remaining time to pass on his knowledge) "Never, Never, Never keep your money in the bank. Bank interest will never exceed inflation and is fully taxable. If you invest in the Stock market you may lose, but if you don't you will lose. Long term, the stock market beats inflation and increases your spending power."


Mastermind Approved!
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1:09 PM
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Dec 30, 2015
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Brewster, NY
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In 1996 when I filed a Iowa return the State tax was 9.98% and the local Sur-Tax was 14%.. That will make your gonades shrink up a bit until you research it a bit:)
I can remember when the top Federal Rate was 75%, and the top NYS rate was 15%, so those "rich" people were not paying their fair share!

It was J.F. Kenedy who implemented the large tax cuts that led to our prosperity in the 1960s.

It was J.F. Kenedy who said: "Ask not what your Country can do for you, but what you can do for your Country."

And, both John and Bobby (Sr) were life members of the NRA.

My gosh, in today's world, you would think they were Republicans!

The Democrat party has gone 180 degrees from what they used to be.

Bill G

Here For The Long Haul!
Yearly GoldMember
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12:09 PM
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Mar 14, 2017
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I'll take the guy who believes in God (whether you do or not), our second amendment rights, lower taxes and energy independence any day of the week over what we have had for the last 4 years.

The cost cutting duo he has put in place is also necessary. Our debt, combined with the high interest rates, is like playing a game of the straw that broke the Camel's back. You will not know what too much is till it breaks, and then it will be too late. We are dangerously close, and unlike at the end of WWII, we don't have millions of veterans returning who are ashamed to be on public assistance and wanting to work their fingers to the bone so that future generations will not have to go through what they went through. Don't forget, they did not just survive the war, but endured the great depression before the war. They truly were the greatest generation, and we are foolish if we give away the prosperity they worked so hard to give us.

Utilizing our energy resources, to both save Social Security and reduce the debt, truly (IMO) seems like our only way out.

I am scared for my grandchildren if we don't reverse course on these massive deficits, and soon.

Advice from one of my Accounting Teachers in college (who knew he was dying from cancer but wanted to teach with his remaining time to pass on his knowledge) "Never, Never, Never keep your money in the bank. Bank interest will never exceed inflation and is fully taxable. If you invest in the Stock market you may lose, but if you don't you will lose. Long term, the stock market beats inflation and increases your spending power."
Damn well said!!

Bill G

Here For The Long Haul!
Yearly GoldMember
Local time
12:09 PM
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Mar 14, 2017
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The USA cannot tax it's legal residents to build prosperity.
That is a simple fact!
How the hell do you tax a unemployed guy or gal?
Taxes come from folks that are working and contributing
This country was built on Agriculture and Industry not fukkking casinos and dope shops.
I am sorry to get political but dammit the liberals have done everything in their power to reduce us to a third world country.

My Great-Great Grandpa was born here in 1820 and was a military man ending his career after fighting in the Civil War.
He made it home and is buried just south of me.

Back on November 5th I went to see him.



terms of service violator
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1:09 PM
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Jan 3, 2016
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Utilizing our energy resources, to both save Social Security and reduce the debt, truly (IMO) seems like our only way out.
explain to me how this is going to happen mike. the US has never produced more oil, in fact no country in the history of civilization has pumped more oil than we are right now.
social security is funded by payroll taxes, so what the *f-word does selling oil have to do with that? soc security taxable max is $168k i believe. the only people makin big money on sellin oil are exempt from paying soc sec taxes on 99.9% of their income already. if we dont tax the people that are making tens of millions of dollars a year, and we are gonna cut tax on tips and overtime, wheres the $ come from?

Rich Fife

Sally slap my ass
Local time
1:09 PM
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Mar 4, 2023
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Central New York
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Today, We are producing more oil than anybody in the world, more than we ever had... in 2019 we produced 12.3 million gallons a day... in 2023 it was 12.9 million gallons a day...
2019 it was $58 per barrel where as in 2023 its $76 per barrel... there are multiple reasons for increase of fuel prices... 1st and foremost its due to poor business dealings as well as kickbacks to/from individuals and corporations (globally).. those are the main culprits... that's followed by our limited capacity to refine the product thanks to the current administration closing refineries and various pipelines The pipelines being Keystone, Dakota and Colonial... The refineries are....
*Philadelphia Energy Solutions Refinery*: Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, this refinery had a capacity of 335,000 barrels per calendar day (b/cd) and was closed after a major incident in 2019
*Shell Refinery*: Located in Convent, Louisiana, this refinery had a capacity of 211,146 b/cd and was closed in 2020
*Tesoro (Marathon) Refinery*: Located in Martinez, California, this refinery had a capacity of 161,000 b/cd and was closed in 2020
*HollyFrontier Refinery*: Located in Cheyenne, Wyoming, this refinery had a capacity of 48,000 b/cd and was closed in 2020
*Western Refining Refinery*: Located in Gallup, New Mexico, this refinery had a capacity of 27,000 b/cd and was closed in 2020
*Dakota Prairie Refinery*: Located in Dickinson, North Dakota, this refinery had a capacity of 19,000 b/cd and was closed in 2020
*Shell Convent Refinery*: Located in St. James, Louisiana, this refinery was closed permanently
*Marathon Refinery*: Located in Martinez, California, and Gallup, New Mexico, these refineries were closed permanently

In short, they used the plandemic to change the structure of our society...
What we are currently witnessing is the power struggles amongst 2 groups. And we the people are and will be the victims of their games/politics. Perhaps one day the masses will wake up and start being self sufficient/reliant, supporting their local farmers etc... 🍻 here's to hoping


Mastermind Approved!
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1:09 PM
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Dec 30, 2015
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Brewster, NY
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Two things you guys are ignoring ... the increase in population (which is why we now import oil) and the lack of Natural Gas (and other energy) production.

That said, out of respect for Randy I will not argue, just sit back and watch and we will see who is correct.

Rich Fife

Sally slap my ass
Local time
1:09 PM
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Mar 4, 2023
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Central New York
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Two things you guys are ignoring ... the increase in population (which is why we now import oil) and the lack of Natural Gas (and other energy) production.
That's false. We have the lowest population growth rate when compared to Canada and Mexico. Population Up to 18yrs of age has Decreased from 2019-2023 by 2.3%..
The United States imported oil, most of which comes from Canada.
*2019*: 6,801,000 barrels per day
*2023*: 6,489,000 barrels per day
When Trump was in office the US imported more oil and we produced less oil than today and our $/gallon was cheaper at the pump.
In 2019 we averaged 85-105 bcf/d of natural gas... in 2023 we averaged 125 bcf/d of natural gas.

It's all based on negotiations and leveraging not to mention the 'good-ol-boy' club of financial kickbacks.
Supply and Demand is a funny 'thing' especially when it gets manipulated and clouded by domestic and foreign policies/negotiations.
Last edited:


Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
12:09 PM
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Oct 31, 2018
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Mt. Juliet, TN
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And yet trying to navigate the truth of all these issues is like running full speed through a maze of mirrors, and some of the mirrors let you through into an alternate but false universe without you even realizing it. Little ground can be made arguing politics unless everyone rebuilds the foundation of their understanding of everything, so that everyone starts off and progresses in agreement. Otherwise it's apples to oranges arguing since everyone has their own world view and assumes others share some of the same fundamentals they they actually don't.