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Random Thought Of The Day


I'm Dominick
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Jan 24, 2017
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Berkshire County, Massachusetts
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Yes, she has RRMS. Currently controlled for the most part with a daily pill, but I can tell when it's not right. If she gets sick and has to take an antibiotic she has to not take her MS meds until she finishes the antibiotic. Motor skills are noticeably affected.
My mother has MS. It's said the medication she took was what caused her fatal lung issue...you might want to look into it. Feel free to message.


Here For The Long Haul!
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10:12 AM
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Jan 18, 2024
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Yes, she has RRMS. Currently controlled for the most part with a daily pill, but I can tell when it's not right. If she gets sick and has to take an antibiotic she has to not take her MS meds until she finishes the antibiotic. Motor skills are noticeably affected.
My wife was on Copaxone for years…had to give herself the shot 3x a week…not fun at all.
Her doc seemed to think that is what kept it in check but other patients weren’t as lucky so, who knows?
She got taken off the drug a couple years ago by her new MS doc here in Idaho.
Acupuncture has really helped with her hands as well as her stability.


Stock Chainsaws do not suck!
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Oct 12, 2021
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Since leaving the military the only vaccine I have gotten was a Yellow Fever vaccine because I was going to Nigeria.

Every year in the military I had to get a flu shot and every year I got the flu. After leaving the military in 2009, I have not had the flu once. And for 12 years I worked in DC, so I rode the metro and cram packed commuter busses, and so you would figure I would have picked up something along the way...but nope.
Same, only had the flu from '84-'88. For some reason I haven't had it since.


Local time
11:12 AM
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Dec 2, 2020
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Same, only had the flu from '84-'88. For some reason I haven't had it since.
X3. Tried it twice in the mid 90’s got sick both times, haven’t been sick since… I think my immune system doesn’t want/like/need it. I survived Spinal Meningitis at 15, Scarlett Fever at 24, and Sulphur Poising at 28.


Chief Cat Herder
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I've never gotten sick from a flu vaccine, but my wife has. When she worked as a respiratory tech, it was mandatory for her to have the vaccine, and every time she got sick from it.

I've had the flu twice, and both times I thought I might die, as the high fever caused me to have delusions. I have only had the vaccine a couple of times....and have no plans to get it again.


Here For The Long Haul!
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11:12 AM
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Jan 16, 2018
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I am happy that it "might" be something different, if it turns out to be the same, we have lost nothing. What is the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing and expecting a different result. The guy on the way out is doing his damn best to start ww3, that is bad. Hopefully cooler heads on the other side prevail. I think the guy that won wants to end war, not start them.
I heard incoming wants to end tax on overtime pay. Now that'll provide more spendable income for those not on salaries


Here For The Long Haul!
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Jan 16, 2018
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I periodically combat sciatic nerve pain. They wanted to take a disc out of my back 4 years ago and I told them to fly a kite. I do an exercise routine almost every morning that usually keeps things in check, but lately I've been suffering. Have been going crazy wondering why nothing I do to get rid of the pain is working ... then I remember, I had a physical late last month.

I always say "no" to any vaccines (covid, flu, etc.) but my Doc convinced me that I should get the pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine, that it was very effective and had very few side effects. Well, I just got done researching the side effects and they include fatigue, muscle pain and joint pain!

Boy do I feel stupid for getting that darn thing, it is ruining my hunting season. I'm scared to go into the woods half the time because I will be hobbling in no time! Hope this crap does not last long. If anyone has any advice on this, please let me know.
I use " Blue Stop " 16 Oz. found at Walmart. Takes care of muscle or arthritic joint pain. Small amount applied, sinks in helps pain disappear

Bill G

Here For The Long Haul!
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Mar 14, 2017
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I heard incoming wants to end tax on overtime pay. Now that'll provide more spendable income for those not on salaries
I would love to hear how that works. Your taxes are based on total income minus deductions. Then the tax is figured and credits are subtracted. A W-2 does not list overtime pay separately.



Pinnacle OPE Member
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Nov 29, 2017
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I would love to hear how that works. Your taxes are based on total income minus deductions. Then the tax is figured and credits are subtracted. A W-2 does not list overtime pay separately.

View attachment 441553
I was curious about that too, but it really won't affect me as I don't work overtime anymore. I hope he does get the no tax on social security passed. I'll be 62 next year and I'm planning on starting it and working part-time.

Bill G

Here For The Long Haul!
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Mar 14, 2017
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I was curious about that too, but it really won't affect me as I don't work overtime anymore. I hope he does get the no tax on social security passed. I'll be 62 next year and I'm planning on starting it and working part-time.
I do not claim to know a tremendous amount about income tax calculations but I do know the basics. For years I have heard folks say they do not want to work overtime because the government takes it all. Well sorry folks that is bullshot. It simply is not true. The taxes you pay are a very simple math calculation that solely looks at taxable income. The key is to "creatively" reduce your taxable income through deductions and credits. Now with that being said I can see how there could be some changes in overtime pay. It is my believe that would take a major overhaul of the tax code and the W-2 but hell it is possible. If it can be done ole #47 is the man for the job.



Mastermind Approved!
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Dec 30, 2015
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Brewster, NY
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OK, I'm a tax preparer, so I will step in here. Bill G. is right about income being taxed based on the tax tables, but what people complain about is when there is a lot of overtime in a paycheck, the withholding is based on you earning that amount for the entire year (it often puts you in a higher tax bracket). This can make a substantial difference if you go from the 12 to 22% tax bracket for your overtime income.

However, if you don't work overtime all year long, you will likely get a lot of that higher withholding back when you file your tax return.

Also, based on the much higher standard deduction (under the Trump tax reform), in conjunction with the SALT tax deduction limitation, a lot fewer people are able to itemize deductions, it used to be far more common.

I'm sure that if they pass a rule not to tax overtime, it will be shown separately on your W-2.

Also, since I am 72, I also hope they don't tax Social Security. Way back when, it was NOT taxable. Then they started taxing up to 50% of it because they said the employer paid 1/2, not you. Then they said the amount you receive has increased based on inflation, so now they are allowed to tax up to 85% of it (based on your income, if you ONLY receive Social Security, it is not taxed).

But like my Father once said (he was both a Lawyer and Licensed Public Accountant and prepared tax returns) "It is unfair for them to change the rules in the middle of the game". My Dad was also a "notch" baby. For some reason, those born in that "notch" period received lower Social Security than those born either before or after. They never did correct it, and I'm sure they are all gone by now. He was born in 1919.

A little more trivia: When I started working in his office (when I was 14) my Dad did the taxes for this elderly couple. Her Social Security # was the same as his, except it had an "A" after it. After all, women did not work, people did not get divorced, so there was no reason to issue a separate #!

How things have changed!

Only the Tony

Hiding in the back of the class.
Yearly GoldMember
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Feb 27, 2016
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OK, I'm a tax preparer, so I will step in here. Bill G. is right about income being taxed based on the tax tables, but what people complain about is when there is a lot of overtime in a paycheck, the withholding is based on you earning that amount for the entire year (it often puts you in a higher tax bracket). This can make a substantial difference if you go from the 12 to 22% tax bracket for your overtime income.

However, if you don't work overtime all year long, you will likely get a lot of that higher withholding back when you file your tax return.

Also, based on the much higher standard deduction (under the Trump tax reform), in conjunction with the SALT tax deduction limitation, a lot fewer people are able to itemize deductions, it used to be far more common.

I'm sure that if they pass a rule not to tax overtime, it will be shown separately on your W-2.

Also, since I am 72, I also hope they don't tax Social Security. Way back when, it was NOT taxable. Then they started taxing up to 50% of it because they said the employer paid 1/2, not you. Then they said the amount you receive has increased based on inflation, so now they are allowed to tax up to 85% of it (based on your income, if you ONLY receive Social Security, it is not taxed).

But like my Father once said (he was both a Lawyer and Licensed Public Accountant and prepared tax returns) "It is unfair for them to change the rules in the middle of the game". My Dad was also a "notch" baby. For some reason, those born in that "notch" period received lower Social Security than those born either before or after. They never did correct it, and I'm sure they are all gone by now. He was born in 1919.

A little more trivia: When I started working in his office (when I was 14) my Dad did the taxes for this elderly couple. Her Social Security # was the same as his, except it had an "A" after it. After all, women did not work, people did not get divorced, so there was no reason to issue a separate #!

How things have changed!
I see this especially working this week because of working tomorrow. Paid holiday plus holiday pay for hours worked. I usually take this week off and my take home pay is the same on vacation, but the withholdings are much less since it is based on straight time for me.


Here For The Long Haul!
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11:12 AM
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Oct 31, 2018
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Mt. Juliet, TN
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OK, I'm a tax preparer, so I will step in here. Bill G. is right about income being taxed based on the tax tables, but what people complain about is when there is a lot of overtime in a paycheck, the withholding is based on you earning that amount for the entire year (it often puts you in a higher tax bracket). This can make a substantial difference if you go from the 12 to 22% tax bracket for your overtime income.

However, if you don't work overtime all year long, you will likely get a lot of that higher withholding back when you file your tax return.

Also, based on the much higher standard deduction (under the Trump tax reform), in conjunction with the SALT tax deduction limitation, a lot fewer people are able to itemize deductions, it used to be far more common.

I'm sure that if they pass a rule not to tax overtime, it will be shown separately on your W-2.

Also, since I am 72, I also hope they don't tax Social Security. Way back when, it was NOT taxable. Then they started taxing up to 50% of it because they said the employer paid 1/2, not you. Then they said the amount you receive has increased based on inflation, so now they are allowed to tax up to 85% of it (based on your income, if you ONLY receive Social Security, it is not taxed).

But like my Father once said (he was both a Lawyer and Licensed Public Accountant and prepared tax returns) "It is unfair for them to change the rules in the middle of the game". My Dad was also a "notch" baby. For some reason, those born in that "notch" period received lower Social Security than those born either before or after. They never did correct it, and I'm sure they are all gone by now. He was born in 1919.

A little more trivia: When I started working in his office (when I was 14) my Dad did the taxes for this elderly couple. Her Social Security # was the same as his, except it had an "A" after it. After all, women did not work, people did not get divorced, so there was no reason to issue a separate #!

How things have changed!
'bout time we tax the gummint. Might as well if they are taxing what they owe us as well as taxing the military for risking their lives for them. Those are 2 cases of them taxing our tax dollars.

Bill G

Here For The Long Haul!
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Mar 14, 2017
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OK, I'm a tax preparer, so I will step in here. Bill G. is right about income being taxed based on the tax tables, but what people complain about is when there is a lot of overtime in a paycheck, the withholding is based on you earning that amount for the entire year (it often puts you in a higher tax bracket). This can make a substantial difference if you go from the 12 to 22% tax bracket for your overtime income.

However, if you don't work overtime all year long, you will likely get a lot of that higher withholding back when you file your tax return.

Also, based on the much higher standard deduction (under the Trump tax reform), in conjunction with the SALT tax deduction limitation, a lot fewer people are able to itemize deductions, it used to be far more common.

I'm sure that if they pass a rule not to tax overtime, it will be shown separately on your W-2.

Also, since I am 72, I also hope they don't tax Social Security. Way back when, it was NOT taxable. Then they started taxing up to 50% of it because they said the employer paid 1/2, not you. Then they said the amount you receive has increased based on inflation, so now they are allowed to tax up to 85% of it (based on your income, if you ONLY receive Social Security, it is not taxed).

But like my Father once said (he was both a Lawyer and Licensed Public Accountant and prepared tax returns) "It is unfair for them to change the rules in the middle of the game". My Dad was also a "notch" baby. For some reason, those born in that "notch" period received lower Social Security than those born either before or after. They never did correct it, and I'm sure they are all gone by now. He was born in 1919.

A little more trivia: When I started working in his office (when I was 14) my Dad did the taxes for this elderly couple. Her Social Security # was the same as his, except it had an "A" after it. After all, women did not work, people did not get divorced, so there was no reason to issue a separate #!

How things have changed!
Please correct me on whatever I say that is incorrect.
I understand what you are saying regarding the jump from 12% to 22% and yes that can be an initial shocker but it is still my opinion it does not matter in the end. In the end it is still the total taxable income. The 2024 rates based on a single flier are 12% for $11,601-$47,150 and 22% for $47,150-$100,525. The standard deduction for a single filer with no dependents is $14,600

For my example I am going to use a single man (no kiddos) named Joe Blow. He makes $20 per hour. That is $800 per week or $41,600 per year. If Joe works just straight time every week then you take $41,600 minus $14,600 to get his taxable income of $27,000. Then multiply that by 12% and his tax liability is $3240. Absent state, SS, Medicare and other taxes his income is then $38,360. Now divide that by 2080 hours worked and Joe made $18.44 per hour

Now lets figure Joe is a bright guy, he wants to move up in the company and he wants to earn a few extra bucks.. He works 10 hour days 5 days a week The naysayers tell him he is an idiot and that the "gubbermint" will take it all. Well lets see if that is true. Joe is now working 50 hours per week. The first 40 are paid at $20 per hour with a weekly pay of $800 Based on time-and-a-half the next 10 hours are at $30 per hour or $300 a week.. That would give him a gross weekly pay of $1100. That equates to $57,200. Now we take the $14,600 deduction from that giving Joe a taxable income of $42,600. That is still in the 12% bracket so the total federal tax liability would be $5112. You take his gross of $57,200 minus $5112 and that is $52,088. He worked 2600 hours and earned an average hourly rate of $20.03.

Now lets figure Joe wants to make more. He still works 10 hour days 5 days a week but now also works 8 hours on Saturday. The naysayers tell him he is even a bigger idiot because the damn "gubbermint" will take it all. Well lets see if that is true. Joe is now working 58 hours per week. The first 40 are paid at $20 per hour so that is $800 a week. Based on time-and-a-half the next 18 hours are at $30. That would give him a gross weekly pay of $1340. That equates to $69,680. Now we have to take the $14,600 deduction from that giving Joe a taxable income of $55,080. Now some would say that would bump him into the 22% bracket making his federal liability $12,118. Well folks that is simple not true. The first $47,150 is taxed at 12% giving him a tax liability of $5658. The next $7930 is taxed at 22% with a tax liability of $1745. The total federal tax liability would be $7403. You take his gross of $69,680 minus $7403 and that is $62,277. He worked 3016 hours and earned an average hourly rate of $20.65.


Mastermind Approved!
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12:12 PM
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Dec 30, 2015
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Brewster, NY
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You are correct, but, unfortunately, there is also Social Security tax, and in most cases State income tax and payroll taxes, and folks are usually in the dark about computing anything other than the bottom line.

Health care costs, regardless of if they are paid by you or the employer, are also a major burden. We have created about the most expensive health care in the world, but it is NOT working. Live expectancy has declined (for the first time in our history) and life expectancy for minorities (who it was supposed to help the most) have declined even faster.

You don't need to be Rocket Scientists to figure out why. We have drifted away from eating right, exercising and staying fit and fallen into the delusion that you can take a medication or get a shot to cure anything that is wrong with you. Simply put, all this crap has side effects, and we are currently reaping what we have sown.

Of course, the major pharmaceutical companies, who are in bed with the government to create this stupid system are perfectly content with all of this, they are making money hand over fist.

The fact that the Covid test data does not have to be revealed for 75 years tells you all you need to know about who is being protected ... and it is not us!
Last edited:


I'm here for the sick'n twisted company
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Apr 28, 2016
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Tax on my paycheck!
Tax on whatever I putchase!
Tax on whatever I may sell "officially"!

So, at 25% VAT I get taxed UP TO 75%!

Fck that!!!

We are SLAVES!

No, I am not of sound mind!
No, I am not sober!
No, I do not care what others may think of my take on this topic!

I am not poor nor starving, but I am so sick and tired of working for the lazy wealthy and the rich!


Chief Cat Herder
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Dec 3, 2015
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Banner Springs Tennessee
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Tax on my paycheck!
Tax on whatever I putchase!
Tax on whatever I may sell "officially"!

So, at 25% VAT I get taxed UP TO 75%!

Fck that!!!

We are SLAVES!

No, I am not of sound mind!
No, I am not sober!
No, I do not care what others may think of my take on this topic!

I am not poor nor starving, but I am so sick and tired of working for the lazy wealthy and the rich!