It is a modified primary. Here's a pic of the first one I did. The ring end is marked with an X(I think this image may be flipped, so the ring end may be on the other side of the cylinder...). I do not make such a large rut going in to it nowadays, it's maybe 3/4 this size. So the first one I did was rather large. It works fine. I just am not comfortable having that much port for the ring to fly over. This pic was taken about 3/4 the way done, so I was also a bit apprehensive showing it since it is undone work. The other ports are untouched here. Overall, though, the eyebrow seems to work well opening a degree or two before the original primary and other ports. It likely works fine opening at the same time, but I like adding a couple of degrees to protect the ring so it slopes up from the end of the primary. It seems to scavenge fine either way. But it certainly makes her more eager to rev over stock ports placement over all.
Here it is cutting an 80 year old, stupidly hard, fully seasoned oak limb for it's first cut: