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Official Rules For Asian MS440 Buildoff 2018 MMWS GTG


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Hope no one in class 1 gets screwed by your jugs like I did on my 372. It would suck to have to buy multiple jugs just to get one with decent compression thorough luck. It would be cool if class 1 or 2 was anything aftermarket goes as long as it looks factory but you can't use a lathe, mill, 3d printer or weld on anything but the muffler. At least then you could dial a crappy jug in from 60 thou squish without a base gasket with a file instead of having to but a new one.


Mastermind Approved!
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Southeast, TN
Hope no one in class 1 gets screwed by your jugs like I did on my 372. It would suck to have to buy multiple jugs just to get one with decent compression thorough luck. It would be cool if class 1 or 2 was anything aftermarket goes as long as it looks factory but you can't use a lathe, mill, 3d printer or weld on anything but the muffler. At least then you could dial a crappy jug in from 60 thou squish without a base gasket with a file instead of having to but a new one.
Part of it

MG porting

Pinnacle OPE Member
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This year......a build thread is optional. If y'all are as busy with life as I am, you might not have time to do a thread. That said......I hope to see many build threads.

We ain't gonna let this become a "best chain wins" event. Many of us ain't got the time nor the skill to build a bad ass chain. Off the roll Stihl RS in each class except Class 3.

Let's get right to it. The reason I will not allow BB Kits in class one or two is that they create a displacement advantage. Whether or not you or I think they are better or worse......think of this scenario. A BB kit wins Class 1, the losers gripe that the win wasn't fair because of the added displacement. By running them in a separate class, this cannot become an issue.

Much of this is just copied from last years rules. You guys help me proofread it please. I'm trying to cover everything.....but, I'm just a human.

Class 1

This class is for guys that don't want to do any machine work. Any aftermarket 50mm 044/440 top end is allowable. You are allowed to use any aftermarket rings......OEM rings are not allowed. You can use any circlips, or wrist pin bearings you deem necessary.....AM or OEM. You must use the piston, and the wrist pin that matches the cylinder that you choose. If you use a FarmerTec jug......then you have to use the FarmerTec piston as well. You can use any gaskets or seals that you choose......AM or OEM. OEM fuel lines and filters are legal. All other rubber bits (intake, impulse, etc) must be AM. You must use the AM carb that comes with the kit. The carb must be the one that came with the kit unless your carb is complete crap. If that is the case, then only another AM carb that is a replacement 1128 series carb can be used. The kit muffler and cover must be used. You can mod the muffler any way you see fit, except to create a tuned expansion chamber type of unit. The bearings and crank that come with the kit must be used. The oil pump can be modified to increase flow, and the worm gear can be AM or OEM. The coil and flywheel must be AM. Recoil parts can be changed to OEM with the exception of the cover. Starter rope, and handle can be OEM or AM. No machine work of any kind is legal in this class. No sanding, milling, filing, lathe work, non, nada. Base gaskets can be AM or OEM or homemade or non-existent. No external transfer ports can be used. No finger ports or bridge porting allowed. Working choke is required. Airfilter must be from the kit, or the white AM HD2 style replacement. No MaxFlow setups allowed. Air filter cover must be installed. No modifications can be made to the covers. Chain and fuel will be supplied at the event. I reserve the right to add to these rules if I forgot something, but the meat and potatoes will not change.

Edit: Carb mods in Class 1 will be limited to spring and jet changes. Jet meaning if you gotta drill a welch plug or whatever to get it working good then that's ok. Just no boring the carb throat or venturi.

Edit: Just to clarify. Port work is allowed in this class. No finger or bridge ports. No external transfers.

Machine work to increase compression is not allowed in any form.

No BB kits.

Class 2 :

Same rules as Class 1 with these exceptions.

Machine work is allowed to the squish band, cylinder base, and piston.

Finger ports, and/or bridge ports are allowed.

No two piece heads.

No external transfers.

OEM carbs are allowed as long as they are intended for the 1128 series. Carbs can be modded for flow, but a working choke is still required.

OEM intakes and impulse lines are allowed....but must be intended for the 1128 series. No intake blocks. No 084 intakes, etc.

Fuel filters can be gutted for more flow.

MaxFlow, or OEM air filters can be used, and covers are optional.

OEM coils and flywheels can be used.

I reserve the right to add to these rules if I forgot something, but the meat and potatoes will not change.

Edit: Just to clarify. No BB kits in this class.

BB/Hybrid Class

Same rules as class 2 with the exception of displacement. Any aftermarket 1128 top end can be used.

Class 3

Same rules as the first two classes with these exceptions.

You can use any aftermarket top end. Period. Fit one from a 090 if you can.

Two piece heads are legal.

External transfer ports are legal.

Use any carb you like. WB....HL.....whatever.

Use any coil/flywheel combination you like.

Methanol, Nitro, Oxidized fuels are legal.

Make your own chain.

Tuned pipes are legal

Air filters are optional.

Fuel filters are optional.

In other words....in this class anything goes as long as you use the kit parts for the bottom end, and an aftermarket top end of some kind.

EDIT TO ADD CLARITY: Any aftermarket pistons and jugs are legal. The piston does NOT have to match the jug.

I reserve the right to add to these rules if I forgot something, but the meat and potatoes will not change.

Any of the saws from the first class can run in the second or third class.......and any saw from the second class can run in the third class. This way if one of the first or second class saws is a real bad ass, it's possible to make a clean sweep and win every class. The winning saw from each class may be torn down and inspected. If anyone is caught cheating they might be subject to a Tennessee ass kicking. Remember......this is supposed to be a fun event.......not a World Championship.
To bad I can't afford building a ms440 right at the moment. Lol. But I'm building another ms660 and a tun of mods to the cylinder so it ether going to go or blow this one isn't one that I'm really worried about. Lol and I'm glad to join the Ope forum this is way less stressful than As site. Lol.


Chief Cat Herder
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To bad I can't afford building a ms440 right at the moment. Lol. But I'm building another ms660 and a tun of mods to the cylinder so it ether going to go or blow this one isn't one that I'm really worried about. Lol and I'm glad to join the Ope forum this is way less stressful than As site. Lol.

Welcome to OPE sir.

Maybe you can still attend the GTG?