I know right where that is. Shot a lot of dove and quail right around there when my uncle farmed around the corner from that shop.Was 30 yrs ago.
My seamstress has been with me 20 yrs. She comes in does her thing and then goes to take care of an elderly couple. She grows her own garden, chickens, eggs and is a great cook.
She is soft spoken but can tell you whats what in a hurry. The way she handles scissors, needle and thread she could cut you then sew the parts back on before the blood hit the floor.
It is a pleasure to have someone that comes to work does everything we have for her and is gone sometimes before i realize she has got there.
My 90yr old uncle is coming to town to scatter my aunts ashes this week. He is going blind so this is going to be a little hard. We may not see him again in this life.
3 tours Vietnam, 2 tours Thailand. 28 yrs. army. He was in supply and took his job seriously. Food, clothes, ammo, parts, had to be there no excuses. The only thing he ever said he didn't like about his job there was shipping body bags. That bothered him.
He joked about his only fear, going to the latrine at night then hearing mortors coming in while on the *s-wordter.