Ain’t nary hostility here ya crazy ass...I should clarify something for all I suppose. I have a good friend who works Lowe’s Corporate...he’s one of their many Sales and Marketing Executives. When I say “I went with” this pole saw, I was given an option of a few Kobalt 40V Max, cordless tools to try out. I chose the 40V Max pruning pole saw. It’s no different than folks who sign up to use, try out equipment, etc from brick and mortar stores, their mfg’rs, etc, etc...and they get to keep the item sent. Just write an honest review about it. No different here...I’ve just never signed up for that ‘trial and error’ *s-wordt. This thing ain’t cost me a penny. And it’s mine. And I’ll tell everyone right cuts/performs just like a gas powered pruning pole saw, at much less weight, especially when those arms are extended. Every damn bit as good. Longevity-wise, I don’t know...but I do know one thing, it’ll get it done quick...and backing that claim up, hot on that claims’ heels...for free don’t knock it! Is what it is...I’ve used it one time for about 50-60 cuts yesterday afternoon...cuts fast even with that safety chain on it, it just slices through anything I’ve put it on, and oils well. Full battery never checked up and lost a charge bar.
I just ordered two Oregon 91VXL033G, 3/8 LP .050 chains for it...$12.00 each, free ship. I’m sure it’ll be even better and faster with a half-ass chain on it.