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Aluminium Member
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Jan 17, 2016
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Good evening guy's


Fapper Fi
Local time
4:21 AM
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Mar 1, 2016
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Got my new dartboard cabinet today UPS brought it. New Winmau Blade 5 board. Little centering deal had to be overcome, and the layout to hit the studs. I’ll paint the screws and little fender washers black to match the black felt background. There’s two more screws and little fender washers behind the board in the center, hitting the same studs. Winmau, British/UK folks call for the center of the bullseye to be at 5’ 6”s (58”s). American darts call for the center of the bull to be at 5’ 6 and a 1/4” (58.025). I split the difference, got his ass mounted at 58 and 1/16” inches. Talk about some kinda anal *s-word...check out that Stanley center bubble, if’n you can zoom in on it...on that four foot Stanley brass edge level across the top.

This Winmau Blade 5 dartboard has their Roto-Lock system on it...if you’re in the business for a dartboard, you know damn well I wouldn’t steer ya wrong...Buy it, ya won’t be sorry. It’ll last for two years of heavy dart throwing...much more the occasional dart thrower.

See...I give you fr’s good advice, I do something else than *b-word about that Jim Turd! Gotta take me for who I is...just a f’d up Marine making his own in this world, supporting my own chillings, helping do my share.

But spec’s count...and if you can’t walk the walk on a dartboard around here...probably oughta avoid this shop in the backyard. Cash only...we don’t do no debit/credit! I’ll put the overthrow top and bottom on it at some point here in a few days. That’s for the folks who ain’t got no business throwing darts...but it does happen.
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Fapper Fi
Local time
4:21 AM
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Mar 1, 2016
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One thing about these Winmau Blade 5 boards...with the Roto-Lock System, you can back off the Roto-Locks, and move the board without having to dismount it, and change up for new ground to hit...most times common places get a beat down. Simply unlock it it, spin it a quarter turn, pull the number ring and adjust. Now you got fresh meat to sling darts at...

Winmau are the finest boards on the planet...buy the Blade 5 if you’re serious about darts. I’m not big on their Blade 5 ‘Dual Core’... the center bullseye area deteriorates real quick...made them out out too much compression material. They made a mistake making that material outta harder compression. The pic’s on Amazon will show you... the bull gets chipped away. Don’t know what the hell they were thinking with *s-wordt!

Get the latest, greatest Blade 5 ‘bristle’ board and be done with it...less than $70 bucks on Amazon.

...and break your wallet out, if ya wanna come here!

Bad thing about throwing darts here...
I taught my son and daughter how to throw darts many yrs ago...I’m on the losing end more so than I’m on the winning end. We sling up a dollar or five btwn us, every round, makes things interesting. They’re good... they’ve beat the old man outta a *s-wordt ton of those dollar bills... but I get it back when I’m on.

Darts are a great thing to have family fun with, it takes concentration and a concerted effort.

We get real serious at times, depending on who drops by...then it’s game on when the real money get’s to slinging.
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