Good morning and thanks fellas for the kind words and well wishes.
Yes, Gunther was all peas and carrots for a time, that was all the good we could get him.
Suffice to say without getting into much more details here, things for him were declining rapidly and on multiple fronts.
He aged t0 15 years and lived his own way, wasn't always the right way, like walking back and forth under moving vehicles, it was a miracle in itself he survived that. Still, I could respect his German bullheadedness for what it was and most times he usually knew before I did what the right actions were to take. Besides, he could always make me laugh with some of his antics, so I never couldn't get mad at him either.
His proclivity to be wherever I was 24/7 and being used to that daily will be sorely missed the most.
He was a good friend.
Alright now you fuggers, I'm all a blubbering again and I need to pull my chit together, cause life doesn't hand you just one chit sandwich to eat, they come by the platter full usually. Fortunately, the first bite is the one that tastes the worst and after that it's just a matter of slogging through to get to the last.
So, it's Hi-Ho off to work I go for me, which is not only the solution to most problems, will also preoccupy me with tasks at hand. Which might not be such a bad thing either.
That's really all I care to discuss about this in the immediate future. Hope you can understand my stance on this, thank you all.