Afternoon commies.
Got news about a week ago that one of my neighbors is dying. I was really close with him for a while, he has a '64 GTO and used to take me to car cruises along with his grandkids when I was younger. As I got older I started to not get along with some of his family and distanced myself. That was years ago, time has passed since.
One of his grandkids saw me at the mailbox today and walked over to let me know that he's in his last days, if not hours, and I was welcome to stop up and see him if I'd like. So I did. He was bedridden and unable to speak or see, and his breathing was very labored, but he could still hear. I talked to him for a couple minutes. His family was very cordial. I expressed my empathy and told them not to hesitate if there is anything they need.
I felt like it was the best way I could handle the situation. I'd have felt poorly if I didn't make an effort to see him before he passed, he was a great person and always was always good to me, but I don't want to create any awkward situation with the family.