I like to think that most people are good, and have the best intentions. Love thy neighbor, and all that. The problem comes when people look to a solution, that ends up being a huge bureaucracy, that is inefficient and wastes the resources that it takes from people. Also, if they actually solved any problems, then the department assigned to resolve it would not be needed anymore. We cannot have that, now can we. So things grow, until they are a huge behemoth that forever takes from us.
Both the red team, and the blue team, are on the same team. They just take turns making new problems. The other problem is the private banks that make up our not federal, federal reserve. They are in charge of creating our money supply, and the subsequent inflation that new money causes. Things don't cost more, they should get cheaper with efficiency, yet our money loses so much value, that more is required to make a purchase. This is by design, they have stolen more wealth from more people than you can imagine. One only need to look at a 1 acre lot with a 3 bedroom house on it over the years. The price difference is inflation. Remember materials should get cheaper due to efficient manufacturing techniques.
Enjoy your weekend everyone. I offer no solutions, other than, love thy neighbor!