I've been meaning to post this for a while now but I've been flat out in the workshop so, here goes nothing.
All stainless and not furnace brazed (this sequence will work for mild steel mufflers just as well)
1) Take a grinder and carefully grind the pressed seam until, either the crimp separates from the muffler half or you can see a faint line form between the two half.
Continue grinding till the two halves can be separated easily.
Do what ever ungodly mods you deem necessary to attain.........(all together now in our best Arnold Schwarzenegger voice) !!!MORE POWER!!!

Then clean inside and out thoroughly, I prefer soda or sand blasting. Next grind both mating surfaces of the flanges back to clean bright metal.
Clean with acetone, then paint with brazing flux (in my case BOC silver brazing paste) then bolt both halves back together and proceed to braze them.
(the key to this step is make sure everything is CLEAN,CLEAN,CLEAN!!! Use plenty of flux and a flame just hot enough to allow the brazing rod to wet out but not boil and oxidize)
Should look like this when finished
I hope this helps you guys. This way beats the living *s-word out of uncrimping the flange and leaves you with a very neat product.
oh, if the muffler is furnace brazed together like on the BG56 blower or HT75 pole saw, good luck!!! you'll have to cut it apart and it just never goes back together the same. Savage Saws over and out.