Cookie Cutter

My thinking is how do they keep fine dust from clogging the injectors?You think that's gonna be a big hit ?
I bough lots of used saws, and they all had enough fine saw dust to clog 100 injectors
My thinking is how do they keep fine dust from clogging the injectors?You think that's gonna be a big hit ?
Yeah, the cost of a 462 is silly.
I am simply saying things built for play are not built like things for work or a specific function.
Didn't someone say that Stihl was keeping the 461 available in the PNW? If so then the 461 and 661 will be available to the market most likely to run the longest bars. Seems like Stihl should just get their *s-word together and offer stiffer springs. Now if one was to run stiff AV and a longer bar would the mounts, case etc. hold up? Who knows?
My commander said there was no way in hell he would pay over 1K for a 70cc saw, i bought mine and he bought 2 so we would get an even better deal.
The price is absurd.
Stihl better keep the 461 around for the 28-32" bar guys on the west coast.
I don't think you do Facebook but Jason Egan is an Idaho based faller and builder. Seems pretty impressed with the 462 and a 28" bar.
I will never use a saw enough to counter your experience but there seems to be guys using them that have the oppsite opinion to yours. I really think we all need to experience these things for our own style of use and make a judgement for themselves.
Stihl, still has the ms461 on the USA website.
A source tells me over 5000 MS441’s in stock down there too. Sounds like those will be around for a while. At least they finally gave up trying to clear those before releasing the 462’s and you are starting to see them show up in some places.
I think the guys out west are gonna kill it quick with big bars..i don't think the A/V will take it.
That's not a good thing in my opinion.
But I think its a home run for polishers/firewooders/service guys who wanna run 20-24" bars and tell stories about it on OPE.
How does it compare to the 441R?