High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

ms 462


Sassy Madam
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Jan 17, 2016
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Jack's statement was more to the point he felt anything more than 32" was asking too much of a 462 buried in wood like he sees, and starting to be a handful on the end of such a light saw(13.5 lbs). Jack is not only a far, far more experienced faller than most of us here, he's also a very competent builder. I've ran his saws, and I own one of TreeMonkey's saws I got from the trade section here. Both great saws. Also have ran Brads and Randy's and Stumps and a fair few others, including my own ported saws, whether owned or at GTG's while I was cutting and cruising in the PNW, and had several talks about building saws on the phone with Randy nearly 10 years ago when he was deciding to get in to it. I think they are all good saws. I also think fighting over seconds is a far worse waste of time than the seconds save us to start with. I hope we don't spend too much effort getting caught up in the worthless 'builders wars' we've seen in other forums. Being tribal is fun and all, but I don't see the point there. They are just saws.

My post was mainly to show the differences between the STihl approach in the 462 and the Husky approach in the 572. No one else has them torn down side by side in a video like Jack has. So his view points and findings are very interesting here. I'm amazed the Stihl can pull so strong with such an over square design. But I think by design, it was set up for the European market where they use shorter bars. Which leads me to believe there's something very strong coming from Stihl between the 462 and 661 in the future more for PNW type work.

I get where Jack is coming from with the statement about bar length. Having worked a bit out west and a lot here in the midwest I don't thing it's just a euro vs west coast thing. The big west coast trees are the anomaly. Most places 32 is the biggest your likely to need 95% of the time. Not so out west.

I've run both the 462 and the 572. Both good saws in different ways. The part that is funny to me about the bar length statement is that if its bigger than 32 inches, I'm looking for a bigger saw regardless. It's not necessarily a power issue. It's a balance issue. Too big a bar on too small a saw wears me out faster.


Pinnacle OPE Member
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Nov 20, 2017
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Jack's statement was more to the point he felt anything more than 32" was asking too much of a 462 buried in wood like he sees, and starting to be a handful on the end of such a light saw(13.5 lbs). Jack is not only a far, far more experienced faller than most of us here, he's also a very competent builder. I've ran his saws, and I own one of TreeMonkey's saws I got from the trade section here. Both great saws. Also have ran Brads and Randy's and Stumps and a fair few others, including my own ported saws, whether owned or at GTG's while I was cutting and cruising in the PNW, and had several talks about building saws on the phone with Randy nearly 10 years ago when he was deciding to get in to it. I think they are all good saws. I also think fighting over seconds is a far worse waste of time than the seconds save us to start with. I hope we don't spend too much effort getting caught up in the worthless 'builders wars' we've seen in other forums. Being tribal is fun and all, but I don't see the point there. They are just saws.

My post was mainly to show the differences between the STihl approach in the 462 and the Husky approach in the 572. No one else has them torn down side by side in a video like Jack has. So his view points and findings are very interesting here. I'm amazed the Stihl can pull so strong with such an over square design. But I think by design, it was set up for the European market where they use shorter bars. Which leads me to believe there's something very strong coming from Stihl between the 462 and 661 in the future more for PNW type work.

You’re lucky enough to live in a part of “Gods Green Earth” were ported saws is a daily thing so common that everybody can get some of them.


Pinnacle OPE Member
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Jul 20, 2016
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You’re lucky enough to live in a part of “Gods Green Earth” were ported saws is a daily thing so common that everybody can get some of them.
Don't forget that you live on a part of "God's Green Earth" where you can buy a 462 and not have to have it shipped across the pond.;)


Pinnacle OPE Member
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Nov 20, 2017
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Don't forget that you live on a part of "God's Green Earth" where you can buy a 462 and not have to have it shipped across the pond.;)

I believe that this problem is now solved.

I still have and will always have the problem to have my ported desires shipped though

old guy

Love me some Husqvarna
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Becker Minnesota
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This was a guys 550. Looks grey to me.
That is my 550, got about a dozen tanks on it now, plug looks a little darker now but no way is it brown.
I ran it last summer in the hot weather. took it to the dealer for the latest updates, He said it was fine. That is a scary lookin plug tho.


Well-Known OPE Member
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Aug 13, 2018
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Kyogle, Australia
Tree Monkey and Brad inspired me to have a crack at advancing the timing. The general consensus seemed the 462 doesn't like any more than 6 to 8 degrees, correct me if I'm wrong. I have advanced the timing by roughly 6.5/7ish degrees by taking 0.5mm off the key. Recalibrated the m-tronic, which was almost a bit scary without hearing protection... She makes a lot of noise!



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Pinnacle OPE Member
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11:00 PM
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Jul 20, 2016
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Not only does the 462 have a short stroke (34mm) but it also has a 'lighter' metal flywheel. Is it lighter than a 460/461 poly FW? What affect does a lighter flywheel have besides benefiting acceleration? Does it affect torque? powerband? Does the M-tronic help offset negative affects of a lighter FW if there are any?

I think it would be interesting to see a stock 462c-m up against a standard ms462 tuned to a brown plug and see what the difference if any is. Pretty please. @tree monkey @Redbull661
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