Just wondering if there was a design flaw that caused the failures, or if it came from improper care? Time will tell I guess.
stig from Denmark has been running the heated 462's for awhile and stated this. Just so you folks know what is happening. =
It is kinda cute to me, that you call them "Arctic"
Here they are simply marketed as pro saws.
Can't sell a saw without heated carb and handles to a pro faller around here.
That is BTW one problem with the 462.
They have made the wire from the handle to the switch too short, so it breaks off.
Then you solder it on and it breaks off at the other end.
We've had all ours repaired under warranty, but it is still a hassle.
then = stig from Denmark added more = I can elaborate on that, having just brought the replacement for the one I crushed in for a handle heat repair.
It is the wire that runs through the rear handle that is supposed to fit in a groove.
Being too short, it jumps out of the groove and vibrates loose.
At least that is how I understood it.
I don't know much about saw repair.
I kill trees for a living.
Killing saws is just a by-line.