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MOFO Worksaws @drf256

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It's the chain...
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Dec 30, 2015
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I had Dr. Al Port my MS-260. There were several reasons. First, he has a well recognized reputation for exceptional porting of the Stihl 026/260 series saw (among others). Second, he posted somewhere along the line, that he didn't particularly like working on filthy saws (who would?). So, this saw that I sent was in showroom condition and I figured he would "enjoy" it.

I think he did. He started working on the saw within several days of receiving it, and I had it back in my hands within several days of the work being finished. In between, he kept me apprised of just about every move he made. I kid you not, I had no less than 80 photos, emails, text, etc. as he modified my clean but doggy stock saw into some kind of MOFO wood sword. I don't know if he does this for every build, but he just waved it off as something he likes to do when I marveled at the stream of information he was sending. I have never met the good doctor, but feel as though I have a life long friend from this fairly brief business transaction.

This has all been fairly recent. However, I have every confidence that the saw will be long lived based on the way it was built and assembled. When I got the saw home, I told doc that I was sneaking up on the tune and would carefully lean it out as it broke in. He said fear not, "It has the MOFO guarantee". Something I never asked for, or about, it just comes along with the MOFO sticker... (he even asked me where I wanted the sticker placed on the saw).

Bottom line: Dr. Al builds a great saw and is a fantastic guy to deal with.

I have a fleet (read problem...) of ported saws, and expect to comment in the threads of the guys that ported them. Truthfully though, I just wanted to be the first to author a MOFO thread... DW
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terms of service violator
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Jan 3, 2016
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I had a very similar experience with Al. Did some trading of parts for the christmas 262 toward a port job on my own 262. I overlooked a lot of little details in sending stuff to al and my saw wasnt exactly what i thought it was either. A lot of guys wouldve lost patience fairly early on haha. Al made a little gem of a christmas saw out of the pile of stuff i sent him, and worked over my 262 with a similar attention to detail and level of communication. Ive only run a handful of tanks through but it absolutely rips.
Thanks Al!

RI Chevy

Mastermind Approved!
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May 7, 2016
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I also have a couple of MOFO ported saws. Doc has always treated me with courtesy, respect, and has a high degree of integrity. His port work is among some of the best.
Doc keeps you abreast of everything throughout the entire build process. And yes, the photos of every single thing he did to the saw.
You have to be the owner of one of his saws to really appreciate and fully understand the amount of quality work, craftsmanship, and personal care that goes into each one of his builds. I will continue to do business with Al as long as he is willing and able to do the work.
The MOFO guarantee. What's not to love and appreciate about this? lol
Nothing but great admiration and respect for Al and his work. :beer:


Admitted Woodaholic
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Dec 26, 2015
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The land of pleasant living
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I have had similar experience withmy MOFO 262 as the above posters. Top notch work and excellent service. Kept me abreast of the work he was doing and EXPLAINED what he was doing. Great guy and builder/porter. Best thing about the whole deal is I gained another friend. I highly recommend him as a porter.

RI Chevy

Mastermind Approved!
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I forgot to mention that Doc's saws run extremely well. [emoji106]

Doc takes great pride in his builds.

My 026 is my favorite saw. I can cut all day with it. Very good on fuel, and plenty of power.

I always pull my muffler cover after a few weeks of constant usage. Piston and cylinder always look brand new.

I like to keep my equipment clean and I am a maintenance kook. Lol

Doc may not build the fastest, or the most powerful saw, but I tell you this, they are dependable, durable, powerful, smooth running and fuel efficient for a ported saw. A great worksaw indeed!
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OPE Sponsor
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Dec 30, 2015
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I have had the good Doctor build three saws now, and he has always gone above and beyond to make sure everything was right.

The first one was actually as a gift for a very good friend of mine, he has a MS 460 that he got from a tree service when it was taken out of duty because it would not start. I messaged Doc sometime in October and asked if he could do it. At first he was unsure but when I explained that it was for a Christmas present he graciously agreed.

I cleaned the saw up and sent it to Doc, and when he tore it down the piston was scored badly. You could not see it through the exhaust port, but it was very bad. I felt terrible, here Al was doing me a big favor and now there was all this extra work that had to be done. Doc just said it was no biggie, cleaned up the jug, installed a new piston, and had the saw done in time for me to give it to Michael at Randys GTG last year. The whole time he was also sending me pictures of the work as it was being done and was in constant contact with me about what and how I wanted the saw.

Afterwards Al did two saws for me personally, an 034 Super with an 036 top end and my 026. Both run extremely well (as does the 460) and again he stayed in constant contact with me throughout each build and sent pictures all along the way. The 034 is my first ported saw and is very special to me (well, both are, but the 034 in particular because of where it came from) because it was done by somebody who I consider to be a true friend.

I would never hesitate to recommend Doc Al to anybody wanting a saw done, and "The MOFO guarantee" is second to none.


Pinnacle OPE Member
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I also have a MOFO 026 and I had the same great experience as the other guys in this thread.
First Class all the way.
Al did a saw that neither of us had ever seen in person and when we had issues he went above and beyond to fix it.
He is that kind of guy!
Love my saw and feel lucky to have something with this type of quality workmanship..

Sent from my SM-J327V using Tapatalk


City Hillbilly
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Feb 29, 2016
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Al did my first ported saw a very nice 360pro. I had the same experience as others. He goes above to make right ( or it doesn't leave ) mine ran fine when I sent it. After porting it was sucking the fuel line shut and. So he put fuel line on it ( he actually sent video of how soft it was ). And sent pics and updates like crazy. Even when I said not necessary? He said that's how he does it. And it does run good. It's a 60cc that thinks it a 70cc!!!
Soon he will be getting my like new 260pro, when the time is right. Thanks @drf256


Just trying to get by
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Jul 14, 2016
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Not a ton that I can add that hasn't been said. Doc ported a 026 that was in very good shape. Transactions and shipping were very smooth. Al kept me up to date with pics along the way and even asked if I wanted a smaller sticker in a different spot on the saw as it was that clean. Saw runs like a beast. The other nice thing with Al is that if you have a question he gets back with you right away.

Top shelf.


Wilt Built Work Saws
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Mar 8, 2016
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Southwest PA
I have a 044 and a 026 booth done by Doc, he is a very meticulous builder, attention to detail is second to none, saws run great! That little 026 MOFO is just a bad little saw! I would happily recommend him to anyone. I have another saw on order already from him.


Here For The Long Haul!
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Dec 31, 2015
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Land of Badgers
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Al @drf256 was the member who introduced me to this site and he is also the person who introduced me to the world of ported saws. I don't know if that's good or bad lol. He is a top notch, honest, and one of the most generous guys I know. He has given me all kinds of advice in all aspects of life.

I originally wanted to sell my, like new, 034AV and buy a 6100. It was my dad's and while it was pretty powerful, it never "wowed" me. Al suggested I turn it into a ported 036 and I never looked back. I'm sure Al had some reservations helping me out because being a novice brings with it lots of questions and lots of hand holding. Al was cool and didn't make me feel like an idiot which I appreciated since I probably was at a few points. The completed 034/036 is a monster and a saw I'll never sell.

A while later, I was able to get Al to port my 026Pro cylinder and set me up with a cut piston. I followed how he muffler modded, modified the af and made mine the same. This 50cc is a little screamer. Stock it was nothing special. It started and ran well, but it wasn't the first Saw I'd pick up. Now that it's a MOFO it's crazy. I mean the guy stress tests them with a 36" bar?!?!? I have not been able to use it as much as I had hoped this summer, but it's an awesome Saw that will be used more and more.

If you can get Al to port you a saw you will be pleased. I can say that for sure.


Here For The Long Haul!
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Dec 31, 2015
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Al @drf256 just finished the 034AV Super jug for my saw. I just assembled it today but I have to say the grinding is awesome. I'm looking forward to using it once it dries. IMG_0492.JPG IMG_0480.JPG IMG_0481.JPG IMG_0469.JPG The 034Super jug is not tapped for a decomp so we will see how it is to pull over.

I'd been searching for a nice badge for it with little luck. Al sent me a new one and it is beautiful. Al's one of a kind! If anyone has any questions please feel free to pm me.


OPE Sponsor
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Al has built two more saws for me since my original post. The first one was an 026 as a birthday present for my buddy Michael (the one that I has the MS 460 ported for as a Christmas present last year). That evil little devil is like a light saber, just flies through the wood. Al also did a big bore for my "China Girl" 660 build and all I can say about that saw is WHAT A BEAST!!!!!!!! I have run some really good 660s and that saw will walk all over all but the best of them.

Again as always he kept me well informed throughout each build and his attention to detail is excellent. Al is a great friend and I highly recommend his work to anybody considering a build.
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Mastermind Approved!
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Ditto, Ditto, Ditto, Ditto. Every Dr Al ported saw I have run (mine or not) screams, even the Huskies!!!

Al allowed me to watch him port and time my 460 (we used an 046 D jug). It has bridge ports, and with the HD-50 (461) carb, it is one of the strongest 460s I have ever run.

He also did a 262 for my Nephew, who is just ga ga over it!

But most importantly, he is just a top notch person to know and deal with ... no one better!


Pinnacle OPE Member
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Feb 3, 2017
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I’ve been reluctant to post a review because at one point Al had asked me not to talk too much, but everyone needs to know exactly who they’re dealing with when they contact @drf256 about saw work. Once upon a time I saw a thread where Doc was repairing a saw for another ope member that jms had royally screwed over. I pm’d Al just to let him know that his kindness was appreciated by more than just the saw’s owner. His work was impressive and I mentioned that if he ever had an open spot on his bench, I’d love to send him a saw to port (not really expecting he’d ever have time for a yokel like me). He’s a busy man (as we all know) but he quickly replied with a humble thanks...then awhile later he messaged me to say he was ready to do a saw for me! I was surprised to say the least, and gladly sent him a 262 to work his magic on. Without completely embarrassing the good doctor or breaking his trust, I’ll just say that he is generous in the extreme and the saw is fantastic. I liked it so much that I asked him to do another under more “normal” contractual conditions and he produced a 262 (fingers, 198 carb, etc ) that ran head to head with my ported 562, which is quite an accomplishment for a 25-30 year old saw. Al’s craftsmanship, attention to detail, kindness, and generosity are unsurpassed. He is busy with saw work (and with that whole doctor thing) but he is amazingly unselfish with his time and knowledge, has a surprisingly quick turnaround time building a saw, and his communication is phenomenal every step of the way. I can’t recommend the Doc highly enough as a person or a saw builder.

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Admitted Woodaholic
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Dec 26, 2015
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His turnaround time might be due to the fact that hes trained himself to work on his saws in his sleep, when he does sleep, which his wife is pleased with I'm sure!! He always says he is going to slow down, but due to his Doctors training is always exploring new ways to make his friends extremly happy, taking his precision and ideas into the internals of a saw...on the cutting edge of 2 stroke technology, bringing about Frankenstein's out of 30 year old saws...the fountain of youth per se...I could not agree more with the above post....