lehman live edge slab
Live Action

I doubt anyone wants to come out with chainsaws or more products using "4mix" type technology. When 4mixes were released Stihl claimed they HAD to develop the technology because it was going to be impossible to produce 2 strokes that met emission standards. The 4 mix machines are substantially heavier, more complicated and require more maintenance than comparable 2 strokes and Stihl lost significant market share when they were introduced.
Not a path most companies want to follow.
That’s ok that you don’t like them but lots do like them and actually like the torque they have on a weed trimmer or brush cutter. I have a pole saw with one and dad is still running a br 600 that he bought first year out. Should adjust valves on the br 600 but haven’t and starts/runs great still. If they lost a ton of market share they must have had all of it before because I don’t think they’re hurting in the blower/trimmer market.