Mr Mastermind ...Randy (hope you don't mind).
Im not one of the the good gentleman on here who know you from the other site or have had the pleasure of your personal acquaintance.. coming from the UK.
I joined this forum after being told about it as a friendly , knowledgeable and fun place to talk over all things saws and timber. This place is all it was cracked up to be with a core of folks who make it what it is. I believe your good self to be one of them .
The way you boys have clubbed together to help out your fellow friends and forum members it truly magical and heartwarming.
The tale of you injury has not been a pleasurable thing to read about and the time it is taking to heal I'm sure feels ...Waaaay to long !
Gaining relief from pain and being able to overcome the frustration and perhaps the need to get "Stuff" done I hope gives you the boost to aid your recovery to "Full On Power " once again. Self employment ( I assume you are) can cary a burden when your injured so being able to get some Dollars rolling back in and Saws worked over for your friends and clients is sure to be a relief.
As someone looking in from a long ways away I can tell how high a regard you are held in Randy...More Power to you Sir ...and your Magic Pants