Good morning!
Well, my plans for the week have been derailed a bit. First Emerson was out of school yesterday, and today his mother says he has.... Pink eye! SO, I'm home with him again today. Was planning to get out in the timber for opening day tomorrow, but regs are 24 hours on the eye drops before going back to school, so.... maybe not. Plan to make an appt to take him in to the clinic at Walgreen's, quicker and cheaper than his normal doc's office. Wish it weren't so cold this morning.
Long post alert (TL;DR?):
Prayers requested for my stepdad, Dean. 87, living by himself in Chicago, has fluid buildup around his lungs, zero energy, and they're making him go to all these cardiologist appts just to determine fitness for the surgery to install a Pleurex® drain tube. I went to Scotland with him recently, to make sure he got through that OK, which he did, and his son came in from Vancouver after I left, but he's on his own up there right now. He refused to move down here after my mom passed, and I respect that, but I can't just move up there. So he's driving back to the cardio for a stress test today, and supposedly Chicago just had a "blizzard," which he said wasn't too bad; he was out driving in it yesterday. He hasn't had any appetite for anything but sweet things for over a year now, and he still likes his beer. Tough dude to be sure, and I really respect that, but truth be told, I don't think he'll make it through the winter. I'm not ready to deal with the aftermath of it when he goes, not just yet, though I know it's coming, maybe sooner than later. He says he has one more story to write for Emerson, number nine in the series of "Emerson D and Old 1073, Adventures in Old Kansas," where on full moon midnights he goes to the park downtown, gets on 1073, the retired ATSF steam locomotive there, with Mr. Caz, the conductor, and it spirits him off to various adventures in Old Kansas, from 150 years past. These are excellent stories, and I'm sad that Emerson isn't really old enough to enjoy them, not quite yet. Such is life, I suppose. One more thing: he considers Jesus an opiate for the weak, steeped as he is in the intellectual tradition, the implications of this will be coming into play right soon. He's so resistive, not sure how to even bring it up, so if you're a praying sort... many thanks, men.